Cue Matt just sitting by the docks again. He's just watching the oceans. "Hm..."
"Oi, Matt. I'm fully rested up and now i'm ready to continue training you." Nolegs said, in an energetic mood.
"Hmph, alright." Matt then got up then went to an area. "Let's see what you got this time." Matt said, getting his sword out.
"Y'know i'm not gonna go easy on ya, right?" Nolegs said, getting his sword and shield out.
"I've always knew, because i don't do easy." Matt replied back, getting a random sword out.
haunt and ryan had been arguing again, this time surf was covering his ears, being he was standing in the middle
"Hold on." Cue Nolegs just slapping both Haunt and Ryan. "Shut the CENSORED up, we're doing a battle here!"
"Bru- Matt, take care of this."
"Sure. YAAAAAAAAAAAAA-" Cue Matt just hitting his sword to the ground, almost hitting them.
Surf was the only person to notice "AH-"
"Hm. Those two doesn't even know i'm here.. Unless.. Ey, Nolegs. Yell something out right quick."
"Got it." Nolegs does a ahem. "EY, HAUNT! MATT STOLE SOME OF YOUR BOOKS!"
Cue Nolegs just jumping out of Matt's hat. "Wow, what an a*shole!"
He snapped back to ryan and continued to a point surf couldn't take anymore
"Seriously, i would feel sorry if those idiots were not ARGUING LIKE A COUPLE OF DUMB A*S MOTHER- censored! I mean seriously, the nerves people have! THE NERVES!"
Moderators: Taro_Nuke1