Nah. I don't think that'll be off the hook, buddy. "Did you really think you could confuse me?"
"Let's just get it over with. SENTRIES ATTACK!" Nolegs then points his sword at Nolegs then pew pew pew.
(.... bro, you can't defy the Tsukuyomi without being an Uchiha with extesive control over the Sharingan, it's literally canon)
And for some reason, the mini-sentries has pretty much bad aim lol. "Did you forget the accuracy modifier again?"
(like, i get you don't want them to interrupt, but don't just screw over the canon lore stuff.)
Satsuki laughs. "Hah, moron!"
Satsuki laughs. "Hah, moron!"
"Makes it easier for me." Cue Matt just legit throwing 5 sappers at the mini-sentries. haha sapper from TF2 go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR-
(and why are thye using freaking TF2 stuff?! Wrong game series!!)
B O O M- Nolegs' sentries was exploded in his face. Taking major bomb damage in the process. "A- Sentries down." Nolegs did a random crit jump slash on Matt.
The Siblings are watching in disgust at this amatuer fighting
The Siblings are watching in disgust at this amatuer fighting
Bonk.mp3. ("I'm lazy to insert the sound, okay? Yeesh." -Taro_Nuke1) (there i quoted myself ) "What's with all these random crits? What the hell?!"
"This is getting no-where. Let's spice things up. Shall we?" Cue Anna just spinning a random event wheel lol-
While the ham was curing, Robin looked around and decided to go gliding after dinner.
"Oh here we go again with this wheel-"
Cue the Slime BUnny just randomly teleporting to Robin. "Ello-"
Itachi smiles and Obito Kamui's them back. "That's the Tsukuyomi, the special power of my left Mangekyo."
And it seems, the random event was- ah crap. it's troll bombs. The whole battlefield is flooded with troll bombs!
"Troll bombs? Well, this is an issue."
Moderators: Taro_Nuke1