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Reina slashes the slime and continues her motivation speech.
I don't think this slime goes down too ea- Wait, what the hell?! Matt somehow dunked the slime into the water to drown!
"Damn slimes..."
Thumbs up in the background
Reina smiles. "So, wanna go save the world and our friends?"
"Hm... Fine." Matt said, chopping another slime without looking with his sword.
Reina grins. "Alright, let's do this!"
(Motivational speech was effetive)
She stands "judging by how far we landed via exploison, Lance is likely that way" she pointed towards more wreckage
"Hm. And there's tank tracks too."
Reina nods. "Want me to warp us?)
"We might miss him if we do that-"
"Nah. I'll take the guard out... mercilessly..."
Reina shakes her head. "I can stagger the warps so we stavel a safe distance each time"
a- Matt is already gone.
She tries to follow matt, falling on her face "Reinnaaa carry me!" Sl
Reina grabs desert and warps them to Matt before attaching a mark so she can always warp to him
Cue Matt just literally murdering the guard here
Reina whispers to Desert. "Was i to motivtional?

Moderators: Taro_Nuke1