Ay, Anna's your teammate! Put the gun down! "Hey, why are you pointing at me?! I'm on your side!"
Cue Anna just sighing deep. "Would you just do your turn already?-"
Cue Matt just joining Nolegs' side. "I'm just here to make this fair."
Nolegs took 552 damage! "Ack! This knight armor that i just upgraded is real tanky here!"
Cue Anna just using a lightning arrow on Matt.
Ow- Shocking isn't it? Matt took 2105 damage! "Now that's shocking."
"Guess it's my turn now." Nolegs said, as he just uses sword blitz on Lance's tank. The tank takes 63 damage 10 times since it's a multi-hit skill.
Cue Matt just using a ninja cat summon. Just to give Nolegs an extra turn. Lol-
Moderators: Taro_Nuke1