Memewhile, outside. "Bruh.. I'm so hungry right now.. I wanna eat something.." And that's when Matt saw, a bunch of cows. maybe 2,000 of em.
Matt wrote:
Memewhile, outside. "Bruh.. I'm so hungry right now.. I wanna eat something.." And that's when Matt saw, a bunch of cows. maybe 2,000 of em.
Butter is just wrestling with a bull despite being way stronger she's losing terribly
"YAAA-" Cue Matt just slicing the bull outta nowhere.
Butter jumps back for a second forgetting how to stand before hiding behind a normal shorthorn "EEEEP!-"
Cue Matt just putting his sword away. "Yo, Lady Red, did ya clip that?"
She nods before walking over to the cow woman " YOOO WE GOT ANOTHER FREAKSHOW!" She clapped
"Up top!" Matt held up a hand.
Matt stares at Butter. "What we do now?"
"I say we keep her for emergency food-" she's probably not joking as she now grabs her and yoinks her blood
"We coulda just used the slice boar i sliced up just now though."
"OWIIE!" She grabbed red as her horns grew quite a bit maybe growing 10-15 inches as she through Red pretty far
Cue Matt just slowly backing up
"T-tell me you have a wheat on you-" Butter began scrapping her foot against the ground indicating she was going to charge at them
"I GOTS YOU FAM-" Cue Nolegs just dropping wheat on Matt's hand then there he goes.
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