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"Aye, it's alrig- wait a second. Where's Natalie?"

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Faputa had appeared on Anna's head
"Okay, why is this thing on my head?-" Emo0114.jpg
she'd curled up "faputa is no thing, sosu"
"Yeah.. Whatever. Anyway, Where's Natali-"
Cue Natalie opening Matt's closet door. "You were saying?"
faputa just appeared in front of her
Cue Natalie just looking over to Faputa then to the others. "Care explaining on what's with all the ruckus?" Oh boy, she seems angry. Someone better tell her. Emo0039.jpg
"Well first of all..." The Slime Bunny said, as she jumped out of Matt's pocket.
"Let me explain things. So, Me and Matt was watching the sea. Probably because we got bored. As soon, people from other fandoms is spawning into here. And now it's a clashing mess! Not including Robin because she's cool though."
"That's so many fandoms that we can't handle-" Emo0114.jpg
"Come to think of it, our world's already a clashing mess with others anyway." Emo0017.jpg
"But my question is, who's exactly opening portals to our world?"
"We don't know exactly who is summoning portals. It couldn't be the devourer. I asked him if he saw anyone summoning portals to here and he said no. So, he possibly can't be the victim in this case."
"You sure it's not the devourer? I mean, he's pretty much evil and sh*t but why did you ask him if he was summoning portals? His tentacles can't summon portals if i'm not wrong. Besides, speaking of all that blah blah blah is gonna make someone fall asleep soon enough."
Robin had left a note for them, simply stating:

"Currently hunting for food. Be right back!"

The archer was currently in the forest and had no idea about the random people showing up.
"Hold on, got a note on the door." Cue Matt just heading outside, then he grabbed the note then went back inside. "I suppose it's from Robin. She's currently hunting for food."
yet another portal opened up, but this time the new person landed on his feet, with a skateboard landing next to him shortly "yoyoyo krys here and ready to partyyyyyyy"
"Bloody hell. More portals has opened?! Can't we just get one simple break from this madness happening?!"

Moderators: Taro_Nuke1