(So, basically after Matt released Lady Red out of the cell, he promised her NOT to kill anyone. Including his allies. Then when they got outside, Matt was pretty much hungry then he literally sliced up a bull that Butter was wrestling with. Then Lady Red decided to use Butter for emergency food, even tho this was a bad idea. Then she got thrown away- the rest, scroll up-)
Butter did rush but would stop making grabby hands at the wheat "oooo food!" She'd sit down "Gimme!" Butter has joined the party...for the food lol
(... i missed nothing, i read all tht... how anti-climatic. so, what about the peeps mind controled an stuff... matt is a bad friend.)
"I think i hay have an idea."
Matt stared at Butter then backed up. "Nope-"
You can hear her fading voice. "Run Beotch ruuuuun!"
Oh you god damn fool, this bitch runs 125 mph..your dead-
Matt then sat down. "Well crap-"
Reina sighs and dashes back, grabbing Matt and running away with him.
Butter is still following the smell mostly because food and second cause she's in the party now-
Reina stops a few miles away. "Ok.... we should be safe. so what's urn plan?"
"Think again" she offered mat some cheese "live human"
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