Cue Matt just being in heaven. "Oh, i'm dead by my own ally."
"Guess i'll be stuck here." Matt said, just sitting down on the clouds.
Le sigh. "Today's just not my day now.."
"wh-" Cue Matt just getting up. "Huh- I'm- I'm alive-"
(Its ok , you'll get better in time)
" I used your RPG rules"
" I used your RPG rules"
"cool- but why did you had to throw me though?-"
"I just wanted to confuse them-"
Butter slaps him " do you want to save you friends or no?"
"I would but in this condi-" More bones crack. "ow-"
"Ooo.. I honestly feel bad for Matt."
Cue Nolegs and Matt just playing some chess. "Checkmate."
(Shade hate meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Waaaahhhhhhhhh)
"Bru- How the hell are you always winning?-"
"It takes a lot of skill and a lot of strategy. Besides, you almost had me in that round. Too bad ya had to screw it up."
Moderators: Taro_Nuke1