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Cue random ghost fart. Gross...
She yeets him up into the ozone layer before yeeting him like, 5,000,000 miles back down to earth.
"Well, that's not gonna be a problem." Matt does a random whistle then a random a*s rocket just hits him all the way back to the earth
Raika warps a feet feet above him. "ROADA ROLLER DA!"
Cue Matt just stepping out of the way.
"What is with all these references these days?"
Reina rises up behind him and plunges her hnd through his chest. (it wont work so im not worried. he has plot armor, right? Right?!)
((Nah, he probably stole some abilities from local stores in sunset harbor. jeez-)
"Ow, my chest." Matt said, literally un-amused. How is he still alive?! Emo0017.jpg
Reina rips her hand out of him in a sideways motion, leaving him nearly cut in half. (God ddamn, this man immortal
"Wait one sec." Matt rolls a die right quick. "Of course. Death." Matt has died because the dice just said "lol yeah your dead"
Butter is in the background now wearing the mega milk shirt "help, your weird medic made me put this on-"
Cue Matt just waking up instantly.
"What did she- WHAT?!" Emo0009.jpg
"What, I put the T-shirt canon to good use-"
Both reina and raika are now standing on either side of Lady Crimson, like puppeteered bodygaurds
"Excuse me for a sec Reina."
"What the hell Desert?!"

Moderators: Taro_Nuke1