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Forums » The Entrance of Greenwood Village » Greenwood Village

"Yeeeah- We're gonna be here for a while..."
Reina blushes. "Oh dear.... this is bad... Nolegs, tell me you can help us please?"
"Nope. Both of you is too heavy for me."
"any magic or friends?"
"Anna and Natalie is still doing stuff."
"Oh dear lord..." Emo0017.jpg
Reina sighs. "Im sorrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy)
(ah, yes, memes)
(meme memes)
Reina decides to just rest her head and have some bonding time.
Cue Matt just sweating nervously. "nolegs- i don't know what to do-"
"Just roll with it."
Reina raises an eyebrow. "What?"
Reina frowns. "O-ok.."
Reina sighs. "So.... waht to talk about?"
"No idea."
Reina sighs. "im bored..."

Moderators: Taro_Nuke1