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Forums » The Entrance of Greenwood Village » Greenwood Village

"A kitsune women ey? I'll be right there then."
Cut Matt having a electrical aura around him. Ohh this ain't good-
Reina's tears fall on him
Matt was interrupted.
"Please help they're getting touchy and I cant find my bat"

There was sudden bat swings in the background as a relatively familiar voice came over the phone speaking japanese
Le sigh. "Crap..." Cue Matt just doing a tiny shockwave on those who is near him.
(.... How Mean...
She removed the lollipop from her mouth " why are you crying?" She'd she place the lollipop in Reina's mouth, whatever she put in them created a calming affect of sorts-
Reina depression and feeling of rejection is too strong.
(the happier they are, the worse their saddness is)
Cue Matt just carrying Reina. "Cmon. We got a person to help."
She'd float over carring red "Saved your dumbass, she landed on fox island-"
"Why would you want meee? im just a failiureeeee"
"Oh toughen up, will ya?"
"A part of me wants to be mad gay, the other wants to keep their honor-"
(this is supposed to be Matt bonding time)
"I suggest keeping your honor then."
She reloads her AA-12 and shoots it once in the air "ok, then Im just gonna take this-" she'd yoink the cat and walk off hnding him a catnip lollipop

Moderators: Taro_Nuke1