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"Aye, pipe down- I needa tell you somethin'."

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She nods and bends down.
"So, Tomorrow is Matt's birthday and we're gonna need someone to distract him while the others like set up."
Reina nods. "so how do i do that?"
"I don't know, maybe ask Matt if he wants to like walk with you i guess."
Reina nods. "Got it! like a small date?"
"Yeah. Yeah." (lol-)
(simp mode active)
(Oh hell-)
(no im kidding)
(O H H E L L - XD)
Crimson is still broken, she just tears up confused, angry that she lost...but not angry at anyone but herself
Cue Nolegs just warping to Lady Crimson
"Aye, Lady Crimson."
"Mmhm..?" Her baton went out, the metal would cool quickly
"Pancake delivery." Cue Nolegs just sliding a plate of pancakes to Lady Crimson before rolling off to find Butter.
RIka is hugging Crimson like a good friend.
She'd take the pancakes, eating them slowly as to keep SOME honor
Rika stops hugging

Moderators: Taro_Nuke1