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Forums » The Entrance of Greenwood Village » Greenwood Village

Ace slipped on some brass knuckles, she punched them both, K.O!!
...Matt is just literally a meat-shield. "Seriously?"
( Oh I meant the gods-)
Rika blocks both punches.
The brass knuckles break, she goes off to fight a rampaging honey, using mostly stun shots... surprisingly her bullet hell magic was doing terribly against Honey
Rika continues her hug assult.
Well? We can't just sit here and hug her. Someone's gotta make the sacrifice. But who?
Rika is currently scrificing her pride.
Rika frowns. "Dang... i thought that would work. I guess My Little Pony was a lie after all...."
"Rika, let go. I'm sacrificing myself."
Rika shakes her head. "no.... I'm not letting you leave Reina..."
"Matt I will litterally incinerate you-"
"No you won't." Matt just did the same thing but with another twist. Just wait for it.
Butter hugs matt "lol, im taking this"
(i was gonna try and stop Crimson with happiness. she seemed lonely."
"Ay?- Oh." Matt just hands Butter the steak.
(a lot)

Moderators: Taro_Nuke1