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(lol Meme-While)

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"Head poke-"
Cue Matt just trying to calm down.
Reina sighs. "Can i? You can say no..."
She falls over... "I forgot how to stand-" she'd continue to lay on the ground
Reina is waitng for matt's response
Butter casually begins making a frosting pirate hat for the cake
"Hmm... Maybe later.."
Reina nods. "Ok then!"
(Chat is ded. Is nice)
Butter places the hat on the cake
Reina rests her head in matts Lap now.
Butter does cow things
"Hmm...I should change my title, I dont think Lady fits me... neither does crimson..."
Rika frowns. "I like it though."
"Ill change it to something..sweet, like cinnamon (or just Mon, because thats easier to deal with-)"
Rika's eyes turn to hearts. "That's way better!"
"Well I dont think Ive ever seen that-"
RIka returns to normal. "Sorry..."
"Its..ok!" She smiled

Moderators: Taro_Nuke1