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"A-are you ok-" she tilts her head raising a brow

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Rika shakes her head. "No.... you're to hot!"
She pulls a flame up to cover her chest "that better ya big perv?"
Rika shakes her head. "Everything about you is hot......."
She'd drop the flame and use the large disk to cover herself "stop starrinng-"
Cue Matt just looking up then sighing deep.
Rika has her face covered. "But im not!!!!!"
"Than why are you perving?" She'd make the disk disappear
Cue Nolegs just writing down what they need. "Mhm. Yup. Che- wait what?"
Rika warps away, kinda insulted. "Im not perving!!!!!!"
Cue Nolegs just sighing. "Oh boy. There's gonna be a fight in the house."
She appears in the house, "alright than whats wrong?"
Rika blushes more. "I can't say... it embarrassing..."
Nolegs then pulled out a radio. "Copy out of 10-4 to Reina. Do you copy?"
Reina whispers back. "Yeah, what's up?"
"Is Matt still with you?-"
Mon walks off with Rika to go buy a gift real quick "how about another sword?"
(shipping mode active!)

Rika nods. "Yesh...."
Cue Nolegs just inspecting the cake. "Nice cake you made, Butter."
"He wants to be a pirate..right?"

Moderators: Taro_Nuke1