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"Fair-" she decides to leave lol

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Butter is destoryed mentally "WHY IS MY NAME A TYPE OF MILK-"
Rika givs free hugs to Butter
Mon is having naptime until Matt and Reina get back
Rika as having naptime with
And then, Matt arrived to his house.
"Crap! 10-4, Matt's at his house!"
Reina pretends to see something. “Hey, Matt, can we go check that out first?”
The huntress stumbled upon the group but hid in several bushes. She tapped two of her fingers together on her nose and muted her ki; just in case if one of the people can read ki or power levels.
Rika notices rustling in the bushes. “What’s that?”
She silents her breathing and put her ears low to avoid suspicion. 'I saw her once..was she the girl with that wrecked woman?', she thought to herself.
Rika walks over to the bush. “Hey, I know someones’s is there.”
Reina Chronovia wrote:
Reina pretends to see something. “Hey, Matt, can we go check that out first?”
Matt stared at Reina, confused as hell. "Uhh... Sure?"
"I think i should check it out, Rika. If it's gonna be a fight then leave it to me."
What Rika met was an arrow aimed straightly at her face instead of a person's face. "Do not come closer", Robin warned her.
Reina runs over to a statue, hoping to buy time for Nolegs and the gang to finish the party.
Nolegs checks if everything was set up... Yup. Everything's set.
Cue Matt just whistling Vesania to himself.
Standing up, she kept her bow ready and aimed. Her ponytail had a couple leaves in it and she obviously showed that she felt threatened.
Rika sighs. “Woman, put the bow down. If anything, we should feel threatened, you’re the one spying on us and now having us at arrow point.”

Moderators: Taro_Nuke1