Gitai sighs. "Welp, i copied this power from a weirdo with a hand fetish. Killer Queen, Bites the DUSTO!!!!!!!!!" Time Resets.
Maki and Crimson are mostly unaffected due to their current state-
(yeah, to prevent matt from being pissed)
(OOC: Random time reset threw me off and I had to run a errand)
Robin was scouting the area again yet unknown to her, it was like time had rewinded. The capsule in her hand was unharmed.
Robin was scouting the area again yet unknown to her, it was like time had rewinded. The capsule in her hand was unharmed.
(Ok, so like im making a character with time manipulation-)
AA was finishing her machine, mostly Nanomachines if your wondering, so she may have made god flayer shells-
Cue Matt just staring at the statue. "I don't even have words for this statue. Instead of it being metal and such."

"Aight gents, Matt's coming back. Everyone do the straight face and just stand COMPLETELY still-"
Gitai does it like the demi-goddess she is, as she is a literal goddess at keeping a poker face.
Cue Nolegs just having the most straightest face in the entire universe- lol jk-

Gitai enters a competion with Nolegs over poker faces.
Gitai mutters from the side of her mouth. "You look like a lost child in a store, confused on where to go."
"This is where Matt forgot that he locked the door. So he ju-"
Cue Matt just ramming it down.
Moderators: Taro_Nuke1