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She'd raise a finger seemingly nothing happened just yet

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A hardens gust of air hits her in the gut, knocking her breath out.
(currently watching JJBA)
This air would've been redircted up as well warm air rises, especially when its suddenly highly pressurized
(it doesn't work liek that, the air travels instantly. there would be no time)
Cue Matt just tossing a skipping stone at the water. "Nyeh."
(Science doesnt really apply to her but I wont talk about that-)

Maki's body would seemingly absorb the blow of air, she'd now be standing vertically on air "That's pretty strong!" She'd laugh flicking the air quickly explosions gathered up around her daughter
Gitai just walks out, brushing off her jacket. "Mom, you're going to ruin my outfit!
"Sorry dear" she rolled her eyes "look at that shes already immune to fire my baby grows up so fast!" She laughed
Gitai sighs. "i'm immune to anything you throw at me, pretty much."
Matt threw another skipping stone... but farther. "Y'know? I kinda wanted to live a normal life until all this happened. Like, playing video games and such."
"I mean your not holding back are you?" She'd float into a sitting position "I'd say I'd take this seriously but ya know, Joy is in the name of this form-"
Gitai walks up to him. "Your wish...... Is Stoopid." She slaps him. (Attitude!)
Cue Matt just catching her hand.
"Not right now."
Gitai turns to her mom. "you have no idea how much im holding back."
"Well do you want anything else, I can help you move away from this place-"
"Lol dont, its stupid"
"Nah.. Sunset Harbor is a cool place for me since there's not much to do around here."
"Thats cute to hear, how are Natalie and Anna doing?"

Moderators: Taro_Nuke1