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Forums » The Entrance of Greenwood Village » Greenwood Village

"Oh fine! But we're doing this inside though. No funny business. GOT IT?" (Psst, if you see a text in red, this means Matt is literally not joking.)

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Reina smiles. "Yay!"
"What is happening now?-"
Kine is sharing a nice conversation with the barely conscious Maki
Reina grabs Matt's hand and runs inside while Rika pulls Maki away.
(skip what?)
(awww, why?)
(i like it.)
Kine just sat outside tired as heck-
"Hmm. Matt and Reina has been at it for about 5 minutes. How much longer is this even gonna ta-"
Reina reaches the kitchen.
(... huh?)
(2:1 vote ig)
"Nolegs, pipe down. This is gonna be a quick moment. Now shut up before i tape ya mouth. Actually no i'll just throw you in a pool."
Reina's eyes widen. "oh shit. AM i gonna die now?"
((Quick edit #2: Wrong character again XD)
"So does this even me-"

Moderators: Taro_Nuke1