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"Alright, i'm over it." Cue Matt just YEETING Nolegs into a random pool

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Reina is tapping her foot in the kitchen
Cue Matt just going back inside then to Reina. "So..."
Reina grabs his shirt and pulls him close, pressing her lips to his.
"I dislike watching this-" she take another slice of cake "It'd be real awkward if Natalie suddenly walked in"
Cue Nolegs just giving Butter a blindfold. "Here, use the blindfold then."
"oh I meant you getting punted"
She drinks from a jug of milk "what do you think the chance of the farmers milking me, cause I am slightly worried-"
"Ayo?-" Nolegs eyed Butter suspiciously.
(is matt gonna do somethign?)
((I'ma cue the french music between Nolegs and Butter right quick hol up-)
Butter is suddenly hit with reality "I'm not gonna get picked by a farmer chick am I?"
"Thier all gonna be old dudes-"
"Yeah. Very old dudes."
"It would be kinda better if ya stay at Matt's house. He's not even like them."
"Besides, He's has a heart to NOT use you as emergency food. How about it?"
"I can tell, he's a work of art alright, but his flaws are fun!"
"How is he a work of art?-" Nolegs asked, pretty confused. Emo0135.jpg

Moderators: Taro_Nuke1