"So, Lance. I got a question for ya. How come you like guns instead of swords?"
"Dude, give me an actual good reason on why you like guns."
"Ah, whatever. I heard Matt became good friends with Butter. AKA, a cow woman. How neat is that?"
Gitai picks up Nolegs. “Ooh, a hat.” SHe places Nolegs’s on her head.
Gitai walks around with a new hat.
Cue Nolegs just getting angry. So he just slaps Gitai with his tail. "For christ's sake, i am NOT your hat!"
"Yeesh, what the bloody hell is wrong with people?!" Nolegs said, as he jumped down Gitai's head in a british accent.
Gitai grabs him and yeets him into a wall. “Hee Hee” She moon walks out of there perfectly.
She looks at Gitai and raises her eyebrow. 'Strange', she thought to herself.
All of a sudden Gitai is behind Robin, about to pull a Kakashi. “Sentence Goroshi!” She pulls 1000 years of death on robin.
(It auto corrected into Sentence. It was meant to be Sennen Goroshi.)
Kine casually cuts a hole in time...then falls through it over and over and over and over, until there are two version of her, the other looks pink and looked more hourglass like, slim as any other girl on this website lol- "ACK IDENTITY CRISIS!" She'd yell cutting the copy in half which returns them to their original timeline
Gitai Tadashi-Tenshi wrote:
All of a sudden Gitai is behind Robin, about to pull a Kakashi. “Sentence Goroshi!” She pulls 1000 years of death on robin.
(OOC: Why?)
She feels it as her tail sticks up. Her tail swiftly hits Gitai in her face, "Oi! You don't do that to people."
Moderators: Taro_Nuke1