She curls up in a ball to avoid getting injured. She was obviously now angry with the demi-god's actions.

(OOC: Hope you don't mind but Robin views Gitai as a enemy)

(OOC: Hope you don't mind but Robin views Gitai as a enemy)
(Yeah, Gitai doesn’t really like Robin either. Views her as too weak.)
The entire town is obliterated, with thousands of casualties. Gitai laughs hysterically.
She was more angry, sensing that thousands of people have died; men, women, and children. She knew that Gitai felt no remorse for killing those people.
Gitai is back to normal. “What do you want? And how are you still alive?” She projects this with telepathy as well.
I was over there she signed as she pointed to a mountain
She walks over to Gitai and slaps her hard. "Even if you are some demi-goddess and can reverse this, I have never hated someone before this day. But you, I hate!"
Kine reverses said damage it'll take a little while as she rather put everyone in their original place
Gitai blocks the slap. “I will break your hand, puny fox.”
(BRB in about 20 minutes. Maybe 30.)
(BRB in about 20 minutes. Maybe 30.)
She sighs locking Gitai in time "Your in time out"
Cue Matt just bandaging himself. "Hm."
"Yeah. I got scratched by a few destroyed parts. That's all."
(She just reversed her body, and she's back in a ball, but remembers everything)
"I suppose that's why they call you the meat-shield." Nolegs said, he seems... badly damaged. Ouch.
"Ah jeez, Nolegs. You doing alright there mate?"
"Nope! I am badly damaged."
Crimson casually tends to Nolegs wounds aka, using a spell potion of instant health-
She stood up and sighed then balled up her fists.

"That stronza!", she grits her teeth then takes deep breaths and exhales. "Happy place, happy place", she calms down.
(OOC: Stronza is Italian for arsehole (I replaced the word for censorship a bit) and Robin will be calling Gitai that in her mind for now on.)

"That stronza!", she grits her teeth then takes deep breaths and exhales. "Happy place, happy place", she calms down.
(OOC: Stronza is Italian for arsehole (I replaced the word for censorship a bit) and Robin will be calling Gitai that in her mind for now on.)
Moderators: Taro_Nuke1