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(Not that open with the amount of mana you say your characters can stock)

Honey is standing still blocking sword strikes from tora not breaking any real swet, Tora takes it up a notch entering her flame queen form and going all out, the barrage was quite beautiful Honey's peaceful aura against Tora's brute raw power, shown in the form of burning flowers

Honey suddenly slaps toras blade down, as Tora tried to raise her blade again she'd be knocked into a tree by honey's broom " Impressive output lacks discipline however, that form of yours, how'd you get it?" She'd ask tora as she stirred

"Ate a phoenix, than trained under a mountain.." Tora would say slowly standing up as those aura strikes messed up her insides pretty bad (think of ot like Haki-) " I'll be fine, are you hurt?" Tora would ask to the witch

" Im fine" Honey would begin thinking Potential is there, but shes just not strong enough, her body is just abouy perfect, but its missing something she'd peer into Toras aura, Three flames Tora's spark, the breath of a dragon, The phoenix's beauty There it is
Wave 1/4. There's 2 worms, 1 slime bunny and 2 rat slimes. A worm cried out to Matt. "If god wanted you to live, he would not have created US!"
(what do you mean?)
Butter litterally just stomped on the worms

" But he made me"

( Rika has a ton of mana reserves even if she hasnt realized ot yet, cause Maki can keep draining her until she finds a new one to drain from, seeing how we time skilled the charathers Rika has now nearly infinite Mana storage)
Ayo?! The worms parried blocked the attack!
(... im so confused)
"Shoot, they can parry attacks!" Emo0025.jpg
"Well, this was pretty new. Since they don't even know HOW to parry attacks because they share one brain-cell... But now they do! I better plan my attacks carefully.." Matt turned around and said something to himself. "...Or, i can break their guard with a powerful attack... Yeah, that'll work."
She'd try again, just leaning into it again
A Worm parried again. Seems like breaking their guards is the key.
Matt whistled to Butter. "Ay, throw me up in the air!"
Gitai is smoking, bored af looking for strong people to fight.
She did as asked tossing matt up into the air
"IIINCOMING!" Matt then slammed his metal hockey stick onto a worm, breaking it's guard and stunning it for 3 turns!
...and it caused a pretty much giant earth-quake. oh lord-
"Oh- Seems i went a little too overboard-" Matt got donked by a small rock. -1 HP. Lol.
"You did great!"
"Thanks, i guess." Ahem. Now it's the enemies' turn.
Gitai walks into the fight.
Worm A was stunned so... Worm B curls up into a ball, buffing it's defense and magic defense.

Moderators: Taro_Nuke1