"Ah. I realized where he is." Cue Matt just fast travelling to the fortress. then he knocks. "LANCE! OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR, THERE'S SOME IMPORTANT SH*T THAT I NEED TO TELL YA!"
Gitai senses a strong presence, then realizes it's vegeta and moves on.
Cue the outside world being a war-zone. "Lance, you gotta let us in dude. There's some important sh*t i need to tell you."
Gitai perks up and resummons Vegeta. "What was that punk?" It appears that Vegeta and Gitai are similar in the aspect that they heat being called weak.
Matt walked in then sat down in a chair. "Alright, Lance. There's something going on. The whole world turned into a war-zone because a explosion that "Gitai" person just did!"
(that ended bro.... the day restarted...)
"Hell, even the enemies themselves is grouping in large waves!"
"A few NPC's told me that i need to talk to you so we can borrow your help."
(.... don't even start. Maki isn't even paying attention to her daughter Whose fault is it really?
(she may act like an adult, but she's still technically a child."
(You say that Maki's weaker than her kid, who am I if not to comply?)
Gitai doe not understand tha concept, and is now confused even with her genius.
Moderators: Taro_Nuke1