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Forums » The Entrance of Greenwood Village » Greenwood Village

(i just realized, about half my characters start wiht r)
(I still feel awful and anxious... like, it's eating at me)
(yeah but he was one of my first friends here... i mean, he was really annoying... and quite vengeful... but stilll.... : c)
(I doubt he'll do anything drastic)
(Ty. That helps. Hugs are always nice)
(honestly, the world needs more hugs in it, to solve it's problems.)
(what, were not real life?)
(oh dear)
(All my IRL friends have problems, I try my best to make them feel good about themselves, I think its working-)
(I wanna clarify, Red can still turn into a bat, she's just to stupid to do it-)
(Oh boy here I go killing again)
(I got you, question, do you want Red to be a villain cause I got an Idea for that)
(Alrighty then, let me do a little set up shall we?)
((Also yeah, The Lamb sounds nice since- Matt's the only swordsman here XD)
(I love the Lamb. I have his game(

Moderators: Taro_Nuke1