(i just realized, about half my characters start wiht r)
(I still feel awful and anxious... like, it's eating at me)
(yeah but he was one of my first friends here... i mean, he was really annoying... and quite vengeful... but stilll.... : c)
(honestly, the world needs more hugs in it, to solve it's problems.)
(All my IRL friends have problems, I try my best to make them feel good about themselves, I think its working-)
(I wanna clarify, Red can still turn into a bat, she's just to stupid to do it-)
(I got you, question, do you want Red to be a villain cause I got an Idea for that)
(Alrighty then, let me do a little set up shall we?)
((Also yeah, The Lamb sounds nice since- Matt's the only swordsman here )
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