Gitai Tadashi-Tenshi wrote:
Diana wrote:
Matt wrote:
"Nah." Matt said, legit just walking away. "I got no time to fight you because for I, yearn for true gender equality. I have no patience for one who talks about female privilege when it suits them, and then complains about someone "not being a man" when it's convenient."
She turns to the fourth wall "I love this man" she'd turn back sipping some tea
"You need help."
"Your blood thirsty psychopath with mommy issues, and you basically verbally abuse yours, your just lucky she doesnt care about what most have to say"
"Yeeahh- I'ma just jump in the portal." The slime bunny jumped into the portal.
Gitai blinks. "uh, i don't have mommy issues... I have traumatizing past training arc issues... and split personality issuses... and suppressed emotions and depressions issues... get your facts stright."
(I'm starting to worry that Shades depressng character influenced this. Either way, what do you think oif the new... kinda backstory problems Rei?)
(I'm starting to worry that Shades depressng character influenced this. Either way, what do you think oif the new... kinda backstory problems Rei?)
Moderators: Taro_Nuke1