Welcome, new narrator, to level 587 of the backrooms, the Land in Limbo, Realm of the Narrators, and the Dimensions of the 4th Wall. Here, you will find fellow narrators, and if a non-narrator is here.... they are either being punished for crime, or need to be kicked out. Please enjoy your time here.

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The portal to Universe 0317 or House of Crows was closed off with construction tape on its pearly doors. 'Creator-kun must be editing it at the moment', he thought to himself as he drank some tea.

(OOC: Not sorry lol)
He slowly floated and waited until he was summoned. He looked at the floating orb of time as it seemed paused at the moment.
He slowly floated and waited until he was summoned. He looked at the floating orb of time as it seemed paused at the moment.

(OOC : i shall now refer to myself as God-Chan lol)
"Has anyone notice the methods of time stop every time their creators of the universe edit something?", he said to no one in particular.
She'd butt in "well most creators use it as a way to change small things for plot reasons, although Rei seems to enjoy just going with it and fixing it later" she'd be reading using a tablet "and if your wondering why I'm here and my sister's arent is because he likes me more than the others"
“Another one”, he smiled warmly then jokingly said, “Don’t try to eat me though, I am poisonous.”
"Kinda immortal so that isnt really a problem, and your not my type of treat, I perfer larger prey-"
(tell me... is Noel a narrator?)
((More like a way to envoice my opinion but kinda))
(Kinda doesn't cut it. Unfortuantely, only narrators can enter. God's and other non narrator beigns cannot.)
“Lighten up, it is just some humor”, he chuckles. “Immortality in the universe I am from doesn’t cover most deaths, just can’t die of old age and the bonus of eternal youth if you take care of yourself”, he said.
(OOC: Yes, I am the one who made immortality in my universe. I like balance so no, I will not live a bit when comes to character balancing)
(OOC: Yes, I am the one who made immortality in my universe. I like balance so no, I will not live a bit when comes to character balancing)
(I mean, she can like, call out to the Narrators, but she can't actually enter the Realm without disolving from reality.)
Moderators: Taro_Nuke1