Narrator pops his head out. “wHaT dId I tElL yOu AbOuT bReAkInG tHe FoUrTh WaLl?!!?!??????!”
Gitai glares at Matt. “This big a*shole is hogging the glory!”
"She's trying to kill me for no damn reason."
Gitai slaps him. “JErk, you have women who care about you! What were you saying lance?”
"I wasn't talking about Natalie. I was talking about YOU."
he pointed to haunt who was bleeding from his leg "You can help him"
Gitai slaps Matt again, giving him a black eye. “Don’t care, that’s insulting all women. And what about Reina, huh?! You kisses her, and now you don’t care?!” she gets up and heals Haunt.
"Ok then...your a issue, go away bratty child" she'd shoo her with a broom
Gitai blocks the broom. “Tell him to stop hogging all the Main Character glory then! Also, i just healed this pumpkin dude, give me some credit.”
"Ahem, your being trespassed, shoo" she hits her with the broom
Gitai shakes her head. “Nah, you aid everyone welcome.”
Moderators: Taro_Nuke1