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Forums » The Entrance of Greenwood Village » The fox's home

Cue Matt just looking up. Idle animation moment. "Okey..."
"Anything on your mind, ey Matt?" The Slime Bunny said, still in his pocket.
(Real quick just gonna say it now Diana is the person watching beyond the screen, currently a sidestoey in my bio but I wanted you to know :D )
Cue Matt just doing another idle animation. He just crossed his arms then thought to himself. "Hm..."
"Matt, this isn't getting anywhere. We gotta get a move-on. Like right now."
"Yeesh, alright." Cue Matt just stepping outside. "Wonder what the outside world is like anyway."
(... what did i miss?)
(Nothing much but Diana may or may not be the person watching beyond the screen, in the little story in my bio, mostly cause I didnt just want them to be gone for a while-)
( i have no clue that that means. is she a narrator?"
(Kinda, sure she does have most if not all of the abilities of one (except being able to re-write reality itself) Making her basically a narrator, but check out my bio, that person at the bottom with the voices is her)
(eh, nah, im good. She's a narrator, that's all i needed to know. Btw, Narrtor-Sama is the Narrator Supreme... so she better know her place in the Narraotr chain.)
(Kinda important to Maki's story so I recommend you do, but its all up to you-)
(... what do you mena rei?)
(look at the first comment. it's mine lol)
(I wanna be asked a random question-)
(Would you rather die by lava or tornado?
(Hmmm, good question! How about i leave you alone with this guy instead?) Gold-idle.gif

Moderators: Taro_Nuke1