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He steps to the side and back hands him
Shin swung at Fox
He grabs Fox's hand and seems to get ready to break it before a voice yells at him to stop
He walks out of the shadows "Thank you Fox but that's enough"
Shin looked at him angrily
He sighs "it was a test to see how you would do in an actual fight. Fox release her"
Fox's shadow drops her and she leans on the ground with a yelp and pained thud
Shin runs over to Wolfie to help her "well don't you think you went too far? you hurt her."
"in a fight you have to expect people to be injured. And what better way to actually get you to fight the to put your friend at risk" his voice calm and unbothered
She winces and looks at her bleeding leg
Shin got mad at them and he gripped his blade
His eyes narrow, "Your emotions will be you greatest weakness"
Shin looked at Wolfie and at Hattori and Fox
She looks shaken up and says softly "let's... Let's just go home Shin.."
Shin nodded and he tended to her wound
She winces but waist quietly
Shin got up and looked at fox
She shackly gets up
He looks at them both and shakes his head, muttering "The next generation is in trouble"
Shin got even mad and grabbed his blade managing to cut fox's cheek

Moderators: Wolfie (played by Lunashadowpaw)