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Forums » Wind Down » Outline finished -ish

So I have a full outline and a bunch of notes, (total of about 10k worth of notes, outlining and just some bonus ideas if I find a place to work them in) It sounds like a lot but some of my notes are just key points from previous novels I need to remember to keep my canon straight.

over the next few days or so I'm gonna be reading over it and tweaking/expanding a little. I want to shoehorn in at least one more place where Merin tells a story from his past. The three previous novels took place mostly in the past but this one is mostly present day with a couple flashbacks and a few past stories.

I am not that great at guessing how much wordcount I have but I'd like to aim for churning out around 90-100k I hope to not have more than 120k-ish because I don't want to be stuck working on this for more than half the month lool.

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Nice! Good luck!

Moderators: Strangedisease PenGryphon2007 Cacophony