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  • ~Rules~

    *Please keep anything and everything PG to PG-13. If this confuses you during a fight, I'll tell you if it gets
    too bloody.

    *cussing is a minimal. but i know every one slips a bad word every once and a while!

    *I prefer humans to be in Fora, but if you're an elf or mage, or even Anthro, well, come on in! if you've got a chip planted in your heart, that is.

    *no god modding. i cant stand that.

    *no mary-sue or gary-stu.

    *if you're RPing, and someone wants to join, let them in! and also, don't be a control freak. Everyone loses sometimes. and you can't ALWAYS put another character under your power. okay?

    *other than that, be safe, follow rules, and have fun in Fora!