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Hi, I'm Trinfan, your illustrious group leader. I insist everyone introduce themselves here, so we don't have intro threads cluttering up our craziness elsewhere in our little forum.

Feel free to make topics on other stuff, though. ^^

I'll start. I'm Trinfan. 22, male, I mostly roleplay dark things. My current fave of my characters on RPR is Naga, who I can't seem to draw for some reason. I like reading, writing, roleplaying, drawing, pixeling, and music, and I really like GiD - that's gentlemen in distress, to those who didn't know - and my characters all hate me so, so much. XD

Okay, next person!
Hello, I'm Andryn. I like ponies and kitties and bunnies.

For lunch.

I will eat just about anything. Seriously, if you feed me something I like and then tell me it's cat meat, about the only reaction you'll get is "Oh. What sorta seasonings did you use?"

I also art things, sometimes. Other times, I do not art things. It really depends on whether or not I have a desire to art things. With art.

This introduction is now diamonds.
I occasionally art things, too! With art. And sometimes pixels.



*steals the diamonds introduction and goes to pawn it* X3
My turn! :D I'm Misty, I'm 19 and my favorite character here is Cal. Because Cal is bad ass. I'm your benevolent dictator-for-life and I will give you a shiny toy if you can tell me where that title came from. :3

Cal: I also take over from time to time. ;)

Shut up you! Nice to meet you Andryn! Your introduction is rock hard and shiny? I approve.
My beloved Dictator-for-life! *tackles* X3

Hi, Cal. How's Judas doing?
^o^ My Awesome creator of win! *snugs*

Cal: Oh he's fine. ;) Little busy at the moment. bow chicka wow wow

We should totally make a thread for everyone's characters to randomly interact. Naga can host!
Working on it right now
Good- now we can stop cluttering up the intro thread. ^^
*barges in* NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPAN- wait, wrong place.


I am Seraphic Star, the only person here whose nickname is based on a RPG/Fighting game spell that looks kinda like a sperm explosion. MOVING ON

Things I like: being flattered. Can't get enough of that. SO FLATTER ME BEFORE I GO GET MY HARDENED PITAS. THOSE THINGS HURT. I also like being complete and utterly jealous of anyone who can make art. The only art I can make is abstract expressionism, on my clothes, when there's spaghetti for dinner. But in my defense, Pollock would be proud.

My favorite character? One of my two lovely yet completely obnoxious/psychopathic elves with silly names. Sitta and Nitsua.

Nitsua is the capital of Saxet, by the way. :P

The insanity, it increases! o.O

Welcome to our group, Seraphic! Don't throw harden pitas at me, I bruise easily. T_T
Bah, you can't handle the pitas. It is alright - I have a large collection of stale food to pelt everyone with!

My name is Darth Angelus and I killed Jar Jar Binks :D
*pelts with pitas*
Hey now! I was doing the universe a favor :p
lol, Seraphic if you throw pitas at my Trin I might have to throw hummus at you.

mmmm, now you got me wanting pita and hummus. *starts googlemapping the nearest indian or arabic restaurant*

Nice to meet you all!
I read that as "I might have to throw humans at you."
Double post!
The group's first double post! ^o^

Moderators: trinfan