The Artists would already have been at dinner for about a quarter of an hour now. Erasai had rushed down the hall to meet the others, a piece of parchment with neatly written words upon it clutched close to her chest. It was needless to say she looked flustered. A look that wasn't common to her at all.
Her heart was beating like she had just finished with Combat training, but that wasn't the case at all. At least, not today. She pushed open the door, looking around all the people that sat down, before her eyes checked the name on the letter she had received once more. Yes... it had been from him. She didn't make it up.
She took a deep breath, before she looked up again, her eyes scanning over the room. Where was he? Oh god, it was embarrassing just thinking about what she had to say! She shook her head a bit to try and clear her mind, and went walking about the tables.
Her heart was beating like she had just finished with Combat training, but that wasn't the case at all. At least, not today. She pushed open the door, looking around all the people that sat down, before her eyes checked the name on the letter she had received once more. Yes... it had been from him. She didn't make it up.
She took a deep breath, before she looked up again, her eyes scanning over the room. Where was he? Oh god, it was embarrassing just thinking about what she had to say! She shook her head a bit to try and clear her mind, and went walking about the tables.
Ever since he sent the letter he confined himself to only the cafeteria and where the Artists slept, and even then he hardly moved much between them. By now she must've gotten his letter. By now she must've thought it was a silly little note, a pitiful excuse of his absent courage. Perhaps he should have asked in person, but then he'd suddenly forget how to speak. A letter was his best resort, yet even so, he was afraid it wasn't adequate. What if it changed the way she perceived him?? Whether she accepted or not didn't worry him as much as that did. Either he would brood until he made certain of her decision or he'd be tormented by his letter-method for a long time. It was time to go to lunch and his gut clenched as he knew she would be there.
Like everyday Nelís was seated with the Artists: Jenny, Evelynn, Novo and so forth.. Anticipation ceased his normally talkative mood and instead his eyes wandered often though he tried to divide his attention between neighbouring conversations. He waited for Erasai's bright tinted hair to appear, yet he was both expectant and anxious. Unfortunately, he had very little time to think of some sort of greeting or response to a possible rejection before he spotted her, his letter noticeably held against her chest. Yes, that was his letter.. He swallowed to lubricate his dry throat and took in a deep silent breath. She was looking for him. He knew.
"Excuse me," he muttered to those around him, sliding from his seat. Already his face began to heat,, but he kept his composure as well as he could. He'd tackle this head-on regardless of the outcome. So, with a wild heartbeat in his ears and his face burning with nervousness he approached her. He relayed what he was going to say repeatedly in his mind in order to avoid sudden muteness.
"I see you got my letter," Nelís finally uttered, petrified yet his smile hid his fear well.
Like everyday Nelís was seated with the Artists: Jenny, Evelynn, Novo and so forth.. Anticipation ceased his normally talkative mood and instead his eyes wandered often though he tried to divide his attention between neighbouring conversations. He waited for Erasai's bright tinted hair to appear, yet he was both expectant and anxious. Unfortunately, he had very little time to think of some sort of greeting or response to a possible rejection before he spotted her, his letter noticeably held against her chest. Yes, that was his letter.. He swallowed to lubricate his dry throat and took in a deep silent breath. She was looking for him. He knew.
"Excuse me," he muttered to those around him, sliding from his seat. Already his face began to heat,, but he kept his composure as well as he could. He'd tackle this head-on regardless of the outcome. So, with a wild heartbeat in his ears and his face burning with nervousness he approached her. He relayed what he was going to say repeatedly in his mind in order to avoid sudden muteness.
"I see you got my letter," Nelís finally uttered, petrified yet his smile hid his fear well.
The Pitiful Excuse of Absent Courage
Dear Erasai,

Dear Erasai,
I'm hoping this letter made it to you.. with the seal still intact. I trusted Kassandra to deliver it, so if she happened to peep and give the news before you read the text on this paper then I suppose I can only blame it on myself. She's a great mentor, but I think you can see why I may be a bit suspicious. Perhaps I should've entrusted this letter to Aidas. Then again, I'd be wary of him as well..
Well, I'll stop dawdling now.
Well, I'll stop dawdling now.
I would have asked you in person, but I thought a letter would be more sincere and legitimate. In all honestly, I don't think I would be able to produce the words orally; I'd be a stuttering imbecile! There'd also be a risk that I'd say something carelessly. I hope you understand, I'm not a master over my words just yet.
Nevertheless, I think you're a extraordinary person. I know we haven't much time to get more acquainted as you know our branches have a separate schedule, but I hope it would be appropriate for me to ask if I could accompany you to the Fall Ball? Please don't feel obligated to concede. I would understand if you have different plans.
Nevertheless, I think you're a extraordinary person. I know we haven't much time to get more acquainted as you know our branches have a separate schedule, but I hope it would be appropriate for me to ask if I could accompany you to the Fall Ball? Please don't feel obligated to concede. I would understand if you have different plans.
So, I suppose until next time then? I'll see you soon if time allows it. I hope it does.
In all amity and sincerity,
Nelís Orlitt
She saw him approach her, and she immediately wanted to back peddle. Maybe she wasn't ready to confront him. She had just gotten the letter, after all. Had she really thought about it long enough? Of course not, but it wasn't like she hadn't made up her mind the instant she had read the letter.
Erasai swallowed hard when Nelis spoke. "Eh... y-yeah!" she said, stumbling over her letters. Why was this so hard?! Everything else she could face easily. Any other obstacle she'd be eager to face, but this... this was different on so many levels. For one, it was a sort of emotional item.
"It was nice," she said, trying to say something to make it less awkward. Expect that probably made it more awkward. It was nice? Really? That's what you came up with? She cursed herself silently.
"Ah, I... just wanted to give you a reply then. Okay..." she said, taking a deep breath. "Nelis, I --"
Erasai swallowed hard when Nelis spoke. "Eh... y-yeah!" she said, stumbling over her letters. Why was this so hard?! Everything else she could face easily. Any other obstacle she'd be eager to face, but this... this was different on so many levels. For one, it was a sort of emotional item.
"It was nice," she said, trying to say something to make it less awkward. Expect that probably made it more awkward. It was nice? Really? That's what you came up with? She cursed herself silently.
"Ah, I... just wanted to give you a reply then. Okay..." she said, taking a deep breath. "Nelis, I --"
"Orrrrrt~!" came an ever cheerful voice, and something would suddenly cling to Nelis' back. "Ort leave Novo! Ort tell Novo about dragons!"
The girl seemed quite eager to learn. So much that she assumed Nelis would be willing to teach her about anything. Such a pushy... adorable girl.
Novo did stop though, looking at Erasai, and smiling wide. "Pretty!" she'd say, her hair shifting colors from the navy blue it had been to the bright orange that matched the other girl's. She'd giggle and twirl a few times, then would look back at Nelis.
The girl seemed quite eager to learn. So much that she assumed Nelis would be willing to teach her about anything. Such a pushy... adorable girl.
Novo did stop though, looking at Erasai, and smiling wide. "Pretty!" she'd say, her hair shifting colors from the navy blue it had been to the bright orange that matched the other girl's. She'd giggle and twirl a few times, then would look back at Nelis.
It brought him the slightest bit of ease to know- to hear- that she was just as anxious as was, but who knew what it could mean. Perhaps she was nervous because she wasn't sure how to formulate done flowery rejection; something that wouldn't make him feel bad. At times like these it was difficult to see through optimistic eyes, yet their instructors run through it so easily. He vividly recalled Aidas's attempt and how nonchalant he went about it though he and Amneris already had a relationship. Nelís didn't know how his instructor had the audacity complain about the colour of dress when he was just hoping his desired date would say yes! He wouldn't dare be picky about it.
Maybe he was analyzing her every word too much because it was nice (past tense, mind you) brought him to expect a negative outcome, no matter how much he convinced himself that no was alright. It was, of course, but he couldn't deny the bit of disappointment that would arise from it. Still, he appeared to be content, his patience especially prominent as he awaited her response.
Before it could leave her lips and before he could process it to be good or bad, a nickname of his cut through the air. There was only one person who called him that, and her arms were thrown around him. At least he wasn't startled this time. Novo had the tendency to surprise him, but if it upset him that she chose now to do so it didn't show. He put on a smile, glancing to the changling behind him who had shifted her attention to Erasai. Pretty? Yes, he agreed. "Dragons?" he questioned with a grin, watching her mimic the vibrant colour of Erasai's hair. He'd covered dragons throughout his studies as they were an interesting topic altogether. "I'll tell you what I know," he conceded, "if you give be this one moment. Please?"
Maybe he was analyzing her every word too much because it was nice (past tense, mind you) brought him to expect a negative outcome, no matter how much he convinced himself that no was alright. It was, of course, but he couldn't deny the bit of disappointment that would arise from it. Still, he appeared to be content, his patience especially prominent as he awaited her response.
Before it could leave her lips and before he could process it to be good or bad, a nickname of his cut through the air. There was only one person who called him that, and her arms were thrown around him. At least he wasn't startled this time. Novo had the tendency to surprise him, but if it upset him that she chose now to do so it didn't show. He put on a smile, glancing to the changling behind him who had shifted her attention to Erasai. Pretty? Yes, he agreed. "Dragons?" he questioned with a grin, watching her mimic the vibrant colour of Erasai's hair. He'd covered dragons throughout his studies as they were an interesting topic altogether. "I'll tell you what I know," he conceded, "if you give be this one moment. Please?"
Novo was easy to please, to say the least. She'd give a nod of her head, and with a bouncing movement, would make her way back to the tables. Oh, but she would be ready for Nelis when he came back. Ready to bombard him with all the attention she could muster until she was tired of learning about the mythical beasts.
Erasai had been surprised at Novo, and how her hair changed like hers. She couldn't help but smile in a sort of wonderment, as she wondered if the girl was an illusionist, or something else. Nelis seemed ever so popular, and it made Erasai wonder why he had even asked her. They hadn't had much time to talk, though it wasn't for lack of trying. She quite enjoyed his company, and would have taken any opportunity to converse with him. Even that thought brought a flush to her cheeks.
She watched the girl bounce off, and turned her attention back to Nelis. (Well, most of it had been on him anyway.) "Ah... well, yes. About your letter," she started again, trying to rebuild her courage that had been temporarily disrupted. "I just wanted to say --"
She watched the girl bounce off, and turned her attention back to Nelis. (Well, most of it had been on him anyway.) "Ah... well, yes. About your letter," she started again, trying to rebuild her courage that had been temporarily disrupted. "I just wanted to say --"
"Oh, look at this," came a maliciously cheerful voice from nearby. Sea foam colored hair in long curls, and the teal colored Artist uniform gave away Evelynn in less than a moment, if her snarky voice hadn't. "I heard quite a commotion over here with that little girl, and now I see this. Looks like you two are quite flustered?"
She chuckled a bit, and placed her hand on her hip. "My, my, Nelis... What would your girlfriend think?" She was obviously referring to Jenny, even though she knew they weren't a couple at all. She enjoyed teasing Nelis with the false idea. It also helped that it would probably make Erasai uncomfortable, though she didn't hold any qualms against the girl specifically.
She chuckled a bit, and placed her hand on her hip. "My, my, Nelis... What would your girlfriend think?" She was obviously referring to Jenny, even though she knew they weren't a couple at all. She enjoyed teasing Nelis with the false idea. It also helped that it would probably make Erasai uncomfortable, though she didn't hold any qualms against the girl specifically.
He was pleased to see that Novo was content for the moment. Already he had in mind some facts in mind that would keep the girl amused, however his attention returned to Erasai, immediately reminded of the tense situation he was in. The air was certainly thick with anticipation and his breathing was strictly controlled, slow as to keep his heartbeat within a reasonable tempo. Feeling that he was being far too stiff he brushed his bangs from his eyes. It was then that she began to speak again. Yes, about his letter.. His fingers rubbed against one another, still finding it strange that his hands were bare.
She'd been so close to saying what she wanted to before, once again someone else intervened. His auriferous gaze shot to Eveylnn and he inwardly sighed. Why must she include herself in everything? His once hopeful expression changed to am impassive one which, if anyone knew him well enough to decipher it, meant that he wasn't in the most amiable mood. Teal was a colour he was quickly beginning to dislike. What was it that she was trying to accomplish?
"Miss Thatcher, you've had since precisely eight'o clock, yet you choose now," he slipped his pocketwatch from his vest, opening it, "five hours later, to pester me. Why is that? You wouldn't happen to be trying to ruin me, would you? I'm just assuming because you know that Jenny and I are just friends, yet you intentionally lie to say that she's my girlfriend. If your trying to say something then say it; I'm listening."
She'd been so close to saying what she wanted to before, once again someone else intervened. His auriferous gaze shot to Eveylnn and he inwardly sighed. Why must she include herself in everything? His once hopeful expression changed to am impassive one which, if anyone knew him well enough to decipher it, meant that he wasn't in the most amiable mood. Teal was a colour he was quickly beginning to dislike. What was it that she was trying to accomplish?
"Miss Thatcher, you've had since precisely eight'o clock, yet you choose now," he slipped his pocketwatch from his vest, opening it, "five hours later, to pester me. Why is that? You wouldn't happen to be trying to ruin me, would you? I'm just assuming because you know that Jenny and I are just friends, yet you intentionally lie to say that she's my girlfriend. If your trying to say something then say it; I'm listening."
Perhaps there was a hint of a frown, but just for a very brief moment; one might not even notice. "What?" she said, feigning ignorance as to what he might be talking about. "Why, Nelis... I'm surprised! I've only just now had time to say hello to you. Well, you know me. Hellos aren't my strong suit. But nonetheless! I'm sure we've just both been busy. And I only asked about Jenny because... well the girl does hang around you quite a bit and you both seem rather friendly."
She held her ground, however, not backing down from a challenge. And here, she thought that this was a challenge of wit.
She held her ground, however, not backing down from a challenge. And here, she thought that this was a challenge of wit.
Erasai was becoming increasingly more uncomfortable. "Perhaps I should go?" she started, but realized that... this was the girl from before. The one that kept trying to pressure Nelis into a drinking challenge of a sort during their welcome. She remembered the tension then as well.
"Oh dear," Erasai said, and it seemed to grab Evelynn's attention, if only slightly. "There... there seems to be something in your hair? Is that... food?" she asked, her tone serious and surprised sounding. She gestured to the side of Evelynn's head, a spot she surely wouldn't be able to see easily.
Evelynn turned her gaze to the orange haired girl. "Oh, you aren't trying to trick me, are you?" she asked, her eyes narrowing just a bit.
Erasai would slowly shake her head. Evelynn stared for a bit longer, before she huffed. "I don't have time for either of your childish games," she'd say, turning on her heel and storming off. It was a strange coincidence that she was storming off in the direction of the washroom.
Once the girl was out of sight, Erasai would sigh, forgetting for just a moment why she was there.
"Oh dear," Erasai said, and it seemed to grab Evelynn's attention, if only slightly. "There... there seems to be something in your hair? Is that... food?" she asked, her tone serious and surprised sounding. She gestured to the side of Evelynn's head, a spot she surely wouldn't be able to see easily.
Evelynn turned her gaze to the orange haired girl. "Oh, you aren't trying to trick me, are you?" she asked, her eyes narrowing just a bit.
Erasai would slowly shake her head. Evelynn stared for a bit longer, before she huffed. "I don't have time for either of your childish games," she'd say, turning on her heel and storming off. It was a strange coincidence that she was storming off in the direction of the washroom.
Once the girl was out of sight, Erasai would sigh, forgetting for just a moment why she was there.
He sat on a rafter on the ceiling, cloaking himself and his energy to fit in with the area. He swung his legs a bit idly, stretching out. Aidas was doing what he usually did when he wasn't helping his brother: and that was spying on the students, especially the Illusionist who was called Nelís. The Fall Ball was always the best time to pick up on gossip, after all.
Amneris was there, seconds later, and he cloaked her, too. He smiled at her devilishly and kissed her hand, an arm wrapping around her shoulders. "My lady." He whispers, looking down at the younger people. He was examining each one. "Drama, drama." He whispers, watching nearly silently.
Amneris hums quietly, playing with her long black hair.
"Well, it's not as bad as that time four yea-"
Aidas' face darkened. "We don't talk about that."
Amneris was there, seconds later, and he cloaked her, too. He smiled at her devilishly and kissed her hand, an arm wrapping around her shoulders. "My lady." He whispers, looking down at the younger people. He was examining each one. "Drama, drama." He whispers, watching nearly silently.
Amneris hums quietly, playing with her long black hair.
"Well, it's not as bad as that time four yea-"
Aidas' face darkened. "We don't talk about that."
Nelís didn't doubt that Evelynn knew what she was doing, trying to ruin this moment for him for reasons unknown. A long sigh left his nose as he didn't wish to argue further. True, he and Jenny were friends, but no more or no less. He and Novo were fairly acquainted as well, so there was no need for her to turn those relationships into something so drastic. How shallow of her... He hoped throughout their time in the academy she'd grow out of her mischief.
His eyes shot to Erasai as she began to announce her leave, however, to his fortune she was witty and had so cleverly gone about her trick that he'd almost believed it as well. He kept a grin at bay as to keep Evelynn from getting more suspecting than she already was. Erasai played it well, enough to get the half-believing girl to dismiss herself. His gaze followed her until she was gone from his sight and a sigh brought him back from his brief pensiveness. "She can be awfully rude sometimes," he breathed, turning back to Erasai and the letter of his that she held.
Maybe he should be thankful for the interruptions because he no longer felt that anxious. It didn't mean he was void of fear. It just felt to have worn down a bit, but his ears were ever keen to what she had to say.
His eyes shot to Erasai as she began to announce her leave, however, to his fortune she was witty and had so cleverly gone about her trick that he'd almost believed it as well. He kept a grin at bay as to keep Evelynn from getting more suspecting than she already was. Erasai played it well, enough to get the half-believing girl to dismiss herself. His gaze followed her until she was gone from his sight and a sigh brought him back from his brief pensiveness. "She can be awfully rude sometimes," he breathed, turning back to Erasai and the letter of his that she held.
Maybe he should be thankful for the interruptions because he no longer felt that anxious. It didn't mean he was void of fear. It just felt to have worn down a bit, but his ears were ever keen to what she had to say.
"Yes... she seems that way," Erasai said, trying not to sound bitter. There were probably reasons, but that was hardly an excuse to act in such a way to someone else. She'd let out another sigh, as if that were relieving her of the stress. Then her eyes would look at his, and it was suddenly that she remember why she was there; holding the note he had given her.
She went stiff a moment. Her mouth opened slightly, then closed again. Just say it! This shouldn't be so hard!
"Mmmmm," she started, trying to force the words out. "Yes!" Maybe she said it a bit louder than intended, but at least he would have heard well enough. She looked at him, as if he were about to reject her answer, even though he was the one that had sent her the note in the first place.
She went stiff a moment. Her mouth opened slightly, then closed again. Just say it! This shouldn't be so hard!
"Mmmmm," she started, trying to force the words out. "Yes!" Maybe she said it a bit louder than intended, but at least he would have heard well enough. She looked at him, as if he were about to reject her answer, even though he was the one that had sent her the note in the first place.
Once again he was watching her stiffened form, grinning subtly upon her locked shoulders. Yes, he was frightened as well but that was inevitable wasn't it? For someone their age it certainly was a big deal and it didn't know how to be handled in the most suave way. Perhaps one day they'd get to the point where asking a date wouldn't change the rhythm of your breathing or the pulse of the heart. Not to degrade the whole essence of the event, but he hoped the next ball wouldn't give him such a heart attack.
It took some time to get the word through her lips, but when it did he was surprised. He never quite knew what he was expecting and now that it was confirmed a wave of shock hit him, keeping him silent for another moment. She said yes? It wasn't as though he could argue against what his ears heard; her answer couldn't have been spoken any clearer after all.
"Uhm.. T-That's great!" his reaction was lagging, but he beamed widely nonetheless and his cheeks grew flush with colour. "You just came in, yes? Have you eaten yet?" he quickly tried to change the topic, not knowing whether he should linger on matters of the ball or save them for later.
It took some time to get the word through her lips, but when it did he was surprised. He never quite knew what he was expecting and now that it was confirmed a wave of shock hit him, keeping him silent for another moment. She said yes? It wasn't as though he could argue against what his ears heard; her answer couldn't have been spoken any clearer after all.
"Uhm.. T-That's great!" his reaction was lagging, but he beamed widely nonetheless and his cheeks grew flush with colour. "You just came in, yes? Have you eaten yet?" he quickly tried to change the topic, not knowing whether he should linger on matters of the ball or save them for later.
His blushing was causing more blushing for her. It seemed like an endless cycle. But the fact that they had confirmed their date brought other issues to her mind. What was she going to wear? How would she fix her hair? Did she even know how to dance? How could she not know if she could dance or not? In her mind, she was silently flailing around. But she kept her somewhat calm outward demeanor.
"Yes, oh... uh, no I haven't eaten yet," she admitted. Truly, she hadn't even thought about being hungry since she had gotten his letter (which was still clutched to her chest at this point). But now that he had mentioned it, she did feel she could eat a bit. "Have you eaten yet?"
She assumed that he might be inviting her to join him, but it was a safe question to ask, just in case.
"Yes, oh... uh, no I haven't eaten yet," she admitted. Truly, she hadn't even thought about being hungry since she had gotten his letter (which was still clutched to her chest at this point). But now that he had mentioned it, she did feel she could eat a bit. "Have you eaten yet?"
She assumed that he might be inviting her to join him, but it was a safe question to ask, just in case.
"I'm working on a plate," he smiled curtly, glancing back to the table where Jenny, Jared, and Novo sat, his plate sitting somewhere in their midst. "You can come join us," by the time he turned back his face was back to its original hue, "if you'd like to, of course." Throughout the past few days the Combatants division had been building up, and he considered that maybe she'd like to mingle with her peers.
Erasai smiled, not even having to consider it. "As long as Evelynn doesn't come back, I think I would like to join you." It was surprising how quickly the anxiety wore off after things were done. But of course, there was still that lingering feeling in her stomach. That sort of nervousness that she wasn't sure if she liked or not.
Taking the lead, she'd walk toward the place Nelis had been sitting. Easy to spot, since there was a plate in the seat next to Novo.
Truly, Erasai was curious about the girl, but she wondered if it were polite to even ask things about her.
Taking the lead, she'd walk toward the place Nelis had been sitting. Easy to spot, since there was a plate in the seat next to Novo.
Truly, Erasai was curious about the girl, but she wondered if it were polite to even ask things about her.