Your character must have a suitable skill set for the team they wish to join.
Your character must swear to the code of conduct listed on the 'About Lazarus' page (whether they intend to follow it or not).
In order to enter Lazarus as an officer, prior military experience is necessary. Advancement opportunities will be offered on the basis of exemplary service, should they not have that experience.
Humans are permitted to serve in the division, however they are limited to non-combat roles unless they can prove the capacity to match supernatural soldiers in prowess.
OOC Requirements:
You must follow the rules of New Versailles.
Whisper Rozelyn or Nerdette if you have any questions about Lazarus before joining, they'll both be happy to answer your queries.
To set up an interview, PM -No on RPR or whisper Rozelyn, Mereavus or Mr. Sykes in-game.