- Respect what changes the universe has adapted
- Respect the admin(s) and their decisions
- Please make an IN-DEPTH character that you plan on using only for this universe
- Understand the basics of the lore before you roleplay
- Any new ideas of group members are welcome and will be reviewed seriously by the admin(s) -
"The Veil", a mystic veil that kept realms from interfering with each other, between the human realm and the immortal realm shattered during 3092. Immortals, or what some first called "angels" fell from the "heavens" to Earth. From the Immortals arose Lumen and Daemons. The Daemons and the Lumen were ruled by Immortal Lords. The Immortal Lords also had leaders known as "The Exalted." The Daemons preferred terminology other than "Daemon," sometimes referring to themselves as "Dae" or "Dark." The Veil shattered from the Great Immortal War between Lumen and Daemon. Their fight was then brought to the human realm immediately, specifically the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies. Kelaadkra-Fissiran, a Dark Immortal Lord, and Al-Olifiaa, a Lumen Immortal Lord, met in secret in order to make a pact. The purpose of this pact was to keep the Immortal Lords prominent through the war. Their offspring included Farral-Se, Aissom, Islafar, Aaren-Kar, Vidaskal, Se-Kelsake, Radaske-Fal, Afvlasdka-An, Fuuhrotdskja-Rundthoriaa, Ruuthda-Kehranvar, and Skaan-Kevara. Kelaadkra-Fissiran and Al-Olifiaa were seen together giving their parting speeches to their children and were immediately executed. Six of the 122 children survived and grew up fighting in the war. As a child, Vhurathskar-Kan renamed himself Ruthacce in remembrance of his siter Ruuthda-Kehranvar, and gave himself the surname Sender in remembrance of the Dark Immortal Lord Senderrusalhh-Kehrasdkahvaalsdvjan, who became the next "Dark Exalted." 600 years later, the Great Immortal War destroyed Earth and most of the two galaxies as well, forcing relocation to new galaxies. Most traveled to other planets named after Earth as "Terra," then "Terra I," then "Terra II," and so forth, which eventually suffered the same fate. During the relocation to Terra, Ruthacce built a military base in order to resolve disputes violently, seeing most of the other organizations as "useless" in the fact that their purpose was to solve things diplomatically. Ruthacce was not of good intention, nor bad, but in a mind to stop the war and create an unbiased planetary enforcement system. Eventually, the jobs and crew of the base highly influenced his disposition. He became of good cause, but still focused mainly on the still-raging war. His changed outlook did not alter his bloodline. He was still a Dark Immortal Lord. The base also became an influence for good and bad. People donated to its cause and signed up in order to restore peace within the galaxies. However, there was still a negative outcome. A Dark Immortal Lord named Kemzekelroth (or Kem-Zekelroth, as some historians refer to him. The Immortal Lords do not, however. The hyphenated name refers to more specific matters) built a replica base on Terra in order to distract and confuse the residents, while also wreaking havoc on the human realm and the Immortal realm. His scheme lasted over 100 years after relocation to Terra I. The residents of Terra I referred to Kemzekelroth as "Evil Ruthacce," seeing as they did not know of his real name. The Great Immortal War created another entirely new war on the Terra planets between Ruthacce's forces and Kemzekelroth's forces.
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- Ruthacce Sender (played by MaestroSG) Member
- MaestroSG Founder
- Wayne Member
- Zenn Fothane (played by YinYangBalance) Member
- Azlea Wolfsbane (played by Solame) Member
Did You Know?
Did you know that Kemzekelroth is two feet and 6 inches taller than Ruthacce Sender; other than that, they are almost identical?