Karn had been getting progressively more aggressive and irritated the last coule days. He thought the trip away from the Tether, and so away from his Mate and the Demon that seemed rather intent on targeting him... would do him wonders. Having appeared on the ship when called he eyed the scroll he was given and would follow its instructions to head to where it said go. The Hybrid wore nice fitting black pants with a buckled sleeveless vest, his tails wre woven around his hips loosely in a parody of a skirt that allowed them to remain motionless and limp without dragging the ground. His hair was long and braided down his back, and around his neck was a loose chain he normaly wore around his hips, wound around his neck instead with a red stone hanging from it. Humming softly as he walked he headed to where the scroll said go.
Canter Elais Acorn would have found the location in which Nykita and Dakotas wedding was to take place early in the day. It was best the wolf figured to arrive before anyone else. Considering how other things with these people and this world went. It seemed unlikely that there would be any need to prep for a reception. Or to go out looking for a likly gift for the couple. Not like he had any clue what would be appropriate for the two. Elm was never the sort to enguage in gifts that were simply asthetic. And could not really think of anything Nyk or Noct required in their day to day life. Maybe a saddle for Nocts horse? Nah, she likely already had a very nice one. A globe for Nyks ready room? Did'nt he already have one? He gave it more thought, not likely it would go anywhere as he waited around the little grotto Nykita had selected for the occasion. Dressed in his usual the wolf sat with a cigar, and a book. Legs crossed on the ground.
Kauru had set out in the morning to find this place marked on the scroll that had somehow found its way to his paws. It took him hours to find the path leading to this place, but he'd eventually stumple upon the familiar scent trail of those who had already made it, and found his way to the little grotto. He'd offer a wordless nod to those who were already present and moved to take a seat and wait for the ceremonies to begin, busying himself with packing his pipe with something special he'd picked up on his way out of town.
Jasper Flynn was very likely to have lost the scroll by now. In a room, in a hideout of some sort, or perhaps in the wake of a chase or two. Either way, it was a good thing that he had read that damned thing, once or twice, and was attempting to find his way around by memory. The lemur was dressed more or less as normal, but had found himself a fancy jacket along the way. Very likely hanging upon a a string outside of one of the more surviving houses in town after the tsunami. He was 'borrowing', with every intention of returning to the same laundry line later. If he remembered to, of course, strange things tend to happen at weddings, after all. He'd probably be wondering about, here and there, but eventually found his way to the cave where this event was supposed to happen. Hopefully, he wasn't late. But then again! With such a nice jacket, he could be fashionably late!
Nykita Aymen did not send out any formal requests of attendance, nor was there any requirement for dress or gifts - just anyone that he felt close enough with and they were free to show up as they saw fit, as they wished to portray themselves and there was no condition about only needing to come themselves. No, the entire gathering was just him wanting those he was close with to be there if they wanted to be there. The squirrel took a much different route to the cave that he was already very familiar with already, meticulously picking at the outfit that was so kindly assembled for him - tugging at the frills of his sleeves, tightening the fingerless glove around his right paw with his left being barren to keep the green triquetra knot visible. There was also something that made him smile as he reached into the inside of his breast pocket, feeling a small lump there and smirked as he walked forward with his feet bare, "Looks like there are others still on the way..." His voice would come from the entrance, glancing to see Elm and Kauru being the only ones in the cave so far, the sound of softly flowing water filling the small area with a very clean and rich taste to the air inside - the squirrel looked much, much different than before - sporting a neat yet extravagant shirt and vest combination, a long and flowing swallow-tail coat with a stunted top hat sitting on his head, the braid swaying slightly on the side of his face still with the twin blue feathers sticking out on the side.
Jobe had been wandering about through the forest for some time, best to keep a low profile after a meal was taken from one soon to be found missing. Pausing nearby a cave, he leaned against a tree just out of the way, and began to roll himself a fresh herbal cigarette. Lighting the spliff with a match and enjoying his toking's. Though there seemed to be alot of traffic into the cave just out of his peripheral view, piking his curiousity which drew him to move towards the cave entrance. The shark leaned against the edge of it, allowing the warm rays to bathe his back while he inspected what was going on. Though he seemed to be vastly underdressed for whatever event was going on. Just his boardshorts donning his body.
Sadie Hawkins was following after Jasper. not because the Pom was invited, but because it was Jasper. The fight from before, well.. who didn't fight every now and again. The two were known to, at least in some degree, fight. Black raven locks were back in play once more, though how, was anyone's guess. Shorn short lengths had been smoothed out but didn't make much more than a halo of inking black against creamy toned fur. Silent as could, be, and very likely unknowing of the nuputials that she was crashing, Sadie found place right beside Jasper. Reaching out to slip her paw along the inside of his arm, the Pom was dressed per usual, long black belling skirt that ranged down upon her boots. Lengths of fabrics around her hips and falling in tied lenghts around her thighs in different shades of spring colors. When she leaned into Jasper she whispered softly, "Nice coat" Though she doubted very much it was his own.
Nocturnal Coyote was some distance away, well, not really.. away enough, she knew the path to the grotto, but she was surely taking her time, on the ship, preparing.. nervously. The talk with Akai earlier went fair, in truth, Sasha's sister had helped put the hybrid at ease some. Wedding.. married.. everything she had sworn she'd never do again, and here she was.. soft smile touched her face as she stood from her seat, playing with her hair just before.. not much one could do with such short hair she'd discovered, oh so fast. At least it was brushed, and pushed back, bangs hanging over one eye. Standing, nude for the moment.. she'd move to where the dress hung, gliding a touch over it softly, ruffling the crimson fabric softly.. soon.. Ifonly she knew where Arkwin was, or had someone, at her side to assist. Hybrid smirked.
Thermadoor had got his letter, infact he still had the slip with him as he hunted down the area he was suppose to meet everyone. "I swear if this is another wolf den or something Im finding someone else." He said in a slightly annoyed voice ringing down into the cave, the winds having unnatural directions of flow around him as the nature spirits being at his aid and having a little bit of fun with misleading him here and there it turns out causing him to be a bit later than he wished, but oh well. The bun was dressed up in his old tailed tux with a dark forest tie tucked into the undervest coming mostly unequipped as his gear was left behind to make the suit look far more appealing holding a rather firm scent of milky chocolate about him as he wondered deeper into the cave starting to hear the soft running of water.
Lixius arrived, much like many others he suspected, due to the invitation he'd received, at the private cavern hidden nicely out of the way. Hmming faintly as the bunny stepped through the entrance and inside, garbed in deep crimson formal slacks and matching coat above which tails drift near to his ankles. For brief moment he paused before nodding to those around, both known and unknown to him as he slips inside and finds himself a place he could sit, to await the ceremony.
Karn would eventualy make it to the designated place, and spotting others already here he perks his ears and glances around before heading over to Elm. Though he wanted to sit, he remained standing as he was having a bit of an issue that prevented him from sitting comfortably. The rings peirced into the base of his tails were still agonizingly sensative and made for a very irritable Hybrid most of the time. Ears laid back he nods a greeting to the wolf and remains silent for now. And due to a specific person not quite being on yet but might join soonish we might loosely assume a short blue haired male might be with Karn as a sort of date.
Canter Elais Acorn gave a little notice to each figure that entered the grotto. His head would raise to see who had arrived and then return to what he was reading. When Nykita spoke up the wolf looked the squirrel over then looked back down again as if he were any other body. He naturaly figured the groom to show up sooner then most others. When the place had started to fill up he gave a low grunt and began to move to his feet. Nods given here and there as the book was tucked into the left pocket of his coat. Elm wondered to himself, 'When did I become a guy that carrys around a book all the time?' It was actualy something he did on and off. It just seemed to be on alot more recently.
Kauru sat quietly in the outermost corner of the grotto, distancing himself from the others so the plumes of marijuana smoke he was blowing into the air didn't linger over anyone's head, or something. He found a nice comfy rock to lean against and made himself nice and comfy, spacing out a bit as he puffed on his pipe.
Jasper Flynn felt his arm being looped, and was not quite aware of being followed.Yet, none the less, the lemur didn't look all that surprised. He'd raise a single brow at her comment on his coat. "What?" He'd say in a very innocent sounding voice. "I'm gonna give it back. I jus' don't have anything to wear for these kinds of things." The cave felt as if it might not be the best place for fancy clothing, but oh well... It wasn't his... "Besides." He'd whisper, pausing the glance about the room at all of the familiar faces and many that were not. "Weddings make me all antsy." Jasper shifted uncomfortably. "When does it start?" He'd ask the Pom, as if she would know.
Jobe sniffed around as he hovered in the entranceway, he could smell another smoking the aromatic herb he'd come to love from the land. It far beat the sticky moss of the ocean, even if one had to smoke it. He leaned his head in a bit, and looked over to the side at the male who was, like him, holding back so other's wouldn't have the plumes of smoke in their faces. "Smells good." He'd wink to the male as he took another toke from his spliff, letting the large cloud pour some towards him, but then the rest was blown outside of the cave. The shark was rather taken back by the gathering group, curiousity growing, wondering what was occuring.
Sadie Hawkins always sorta found that Jasper was just a pull on her soul. Where he was, she was at times. An ear perked towards him as she turned her direction to the Captain that she'd only pledged her allegiance to once. "Sure you are.." She spoke softly and only to Jasper. The flow of people adding her own uneasiness. The pom's lips found a soft line before she glanced around, "Is this a wedding?" Though it looked to be Nyk's wedding. Lifting her hand to her lips, Sadie tried her best not to laugh at Jasper's questions. "When the bride gets here. Who's getting married?" Blues shifted towards the Lemur and then back across the crowd in slight worry. The itch at the back of her neck raised gloved paw to that mark, rubbing softly as her brow began to furrow. Something still wasn't quite right.
Nocturnal Coyote turned with a soft breath and turned to pace across the floor. Paws moved up, as if to pull through her hair, only to stop.. she'd already arranged it the way she liked it.. a light shudder slipped down her back to her tails, which each seemed to shudder in turn. Eyes closed. Another breath was taken before her eyes opened and she looked a ther right palm, studying the mark there.. the mark they shared.. each one had in turn.. raising her left paw up she'd trace the mark.. smiling softly. Hybrid plucked up a set of undergarments and slipped into them, smoothing paws along her corset piercings to make sure the ribbons were unruffled and laying firm.. she'd pause to ajdust her chains, assuring nothing snagged before the dress was turned too, and taken from its place of hanging. With a soft murmur to herself, she studied it and wondered just how, she was going to slip into it alone. In the shop where it was tailored, she surely needed help.. Oh the adventures of dresses.
Nykita Aymen made his way to the center of the cave but he was careful to avoid stepping into the water, keeping his bare feet on dry land for the time being even if the big wolf was sitting on a rock across the waters, "Elm." The squirrel looked over the man that was going to act as the one who would solidify his marriage with his love. Turning around, the squirrel would turn to greet the rest of the arrivals with a smile, taking Dawson's paw into his own while clapping the feline on the shoulder once, lowering his head in a nod as the tri-tailed kitsune showed up, "Glad to see you made it, Karn." Then turning to regard the new face with a smirk - he had never seen the shark before but why spoil a good feeling, "Greetings." His eyes then falling towards Kal with a soft chuckle, "Enjoying yourself, Kal?" Calling out the pipe-smoking wolf as the shark boy joined him - Jasper and Sadie? Adorable! It had the squirrel smirked, bushy tail flicking sharply before lowering to hang behind his legs as they added to the cave looking very surreal, filled with a mixture of casual and fancy-dressed folk while keeping a look of utter nature to it, "Well, it would seem like you two could also get married yourselves." He could not help but remark with a soft laugh, "Good to see you here Jasper." Then turning to the girl that claimed his arm, "Sadie." The cave was certainly filling up now as he'd nod to the winged angelic canine that came in, followed by a slightly flustered bionna, "Thank you coming Aaros..." And then the blue bun appeared, making the squirrel smirk, "...Lixius." Turning towards the entire room, he'd make a sweeping gesture towards everyone there, "Please, make yourselves comfortable where ever you will - there is no seating arrangement, just wherever you feel most comfortable."
Thermadoor had the wind and spirits all rolling around him till Nyk had taken noticed of him and the shimmering wind would seem to widen out and dissipate, the waters turning and twisting about as a soft breeze blew through the cave to get the fresh smell of the water and plantlife more filling the stagnant air of the area keeping things freshened up as the black suited hair walked over and too himself a seat over by some flower patches not minding sitting in the grass. He looked to Nyk and the others and of course he chose a reclusive spot for himself to remain for the event not liking crowds, but still he wouldn't miss this moment as important as it was for the captain and Noct. Aaros gave off soft whisperings as the nearly invisible spirits played about carrying out his wishes making and keeping this place in as presentable condition as they could.
Karn would remain pretty silent, and calm thankfuly. His irritation a slight background anoyence he masked well with a calm mask. The pain was bothersome but he managed to hide it well for now. The one he brought with him was ever silent and stuck close to his side, simply watching the people with him. (desides to put more detail in his companion just in case...) The little male at his side had blue tinted skin and purplish blue hair and stood a good foot shorter then Karn himself, the Hybrids Pine Martan, Taka, was sleeping draped around the little males neck. He flashes Nykita a grin and nods. "How could I miss this." He would then motion to the little male. "This is Punka. He came to make sure I behaved and didnt get into trouble." He vaguely commented with amusement. Punka was actualy there to tend to his tails if needed and to calm him if he turned bitchy. He had not dared to bring his Mate. It was just a bad idea to do so.
Jasper Flynn turned to Sadie with narrowed eyes. He'd shrug both of the shoulders that lifted the arms of the "borrowed" jacket that he wore for the occasion. "I am!" He'd say in a insistent, but restrained tone of voice. He was going to give it back, and now more then ever. So, whomever it belonged to before now, probably had a pom's sarcasm to thank for the clothing's safe return. "And yes, it's a wedding. At least, I think so..." He'd glance about all shifty-eye'd as if looking for clues. The clue that would come in the form of a squirrel that stepped before them in greeting. "You see?" He'd nudge Sadie in the side. "Absolutely gettin' hitched." Jasper then gave the squirrel a large toothy grin. "Oh, I asked her." He'd joke, "But she tells me that her intended choice didn't say yes.." He'd laugh softly. "Good luck!" The lemur offered to the squirrel, mainly because he didn't quite know what to else to say. "Umm... break a leg?"
Sadie Hawkins hated that look, that narrowed eyed glance at her. Sadie cleared her throat and dropped her hand from her neck, Pom made a face at the nudge and pinched against the Lemur's side when he did so. A twitch of an eye before smooth features replaced that sweet soft smile at the Captain. Her head bowing lightly, "Captain Nykita." She offered in soft greeting though when it was mentioned about their own nuputals, Sadie's ears turned a bit pink and glare from those blues landed on Jasper, "If you call a drunken slur of frightfully lewed references to his private bits and my own, asking for marriage, I'd say I gave an appropirate response." Taking her hand from the inside of Jasper's arm, Sadie crossed her arms beneath her chest and cleared her throat, "May the primes bless your marriage Captain." Though it wasn't getting off to a good start considering there was no bride to be seen.
Canter Elais Acorn had, unlike Nykita, been standing in the shallow water near the rock he had been sitting on, apperantly. The smell that started to waft in his direction cought the wolfs nose. It got him breathing deeper. Thankfully that wind that had arrived with Aaros presence cleared up the air, allowing him to focus on the taste and smell of his cigar instead. Now would not have been a good time to have his head clouded by the sweet leaf. The wolf did not speek. And simply stood at the edge of the small pond, waiting and smoking. Not feeling much like the social type at the moment it was well enough that there were so many people to watch. Two of which being compleatly unfamilure to Elm. As the Groot filled up and the arrival of the guest of honor was awaited he'd humm.
Jobe hmm'd to himself as the wolf he'd spoken to seemed distracted, so he began to exit, only for his eye's to catch the squirrel's, and the greeting given. The shark didn't speak, only nodding to the male and moving out towards the sunlight, still curious on the event, but could smell his and the others sticky herb in the air. So he'd blow his smoke out into the open air, pondering the event, and the mention of a wedding that he'd heard. Though it seemed his presense wasn't burdening, so he would stick around for a little while longer at least. But in the back of his mind he was considering returning to that ship where he'd met dawson and others.
Nykita Aymen gave a small bow towards Punka, the cute date that Karn brought with himself before chuckling at the adorable couple that Jasper and Sadie made together. Then he saw that everyone was settling in for now and decided to speak again, taking a deep breath of the fresh air that Thermadoor was so kind to gift them all with, "Friends! Thank you accepting my invitation to this place... where I plan to marry the woman I love." He'd pause at how cheesy it sounded, even chuckling at himself, "...thank you, that is all I can really say for this - thank you for being here, sharing this moment with me." With that said, the squirrel would pull his arm across his stomach and took a rather deep bow to everyone, except Elm if he stayed behind him - he'd get the ass-end of that bow.
Nocturnal Coyote worked the dress so it was pulled over her head, and settled in along her frame. Hugging across her chest and her stomach, only to flare out just enough around her hips. The gown itself was a crimson red, the bead work on it gold in color, while the flowers and other trimming was black. Adjusting it just right, she'd stand and fix her hair once more.. only to give a nod to herself. No make-up. It was them, them and friends and family. No shoes, either.. as the hybrid simply couldn't stand the feel of such things. Wings were kept hidden and at bay for now, though her tails surely made their presence known. Skirts gathered just after the bells of her sleeves were adjusted to hang as they may, she'd sigh lightly. Slipping one small piece into the top of her gown, making sure it was safe, and secure. She'd surely taken her time getting ready and now, well.. now ti was time enough, luckily, the walk simply wasn't too far.. and before long, the woman stood posed, just outside the entrance, tipping her head to the shark, with a soft smile gracing her features.
Nanaki Sandtail Would be watching and waiting...having found a nice quiet spot to observe the situation...he knew he wasn't family or friend..or at least he didn't feel like he knew the bride and groom well enough to deserve a good spot....he was thankfull to Noct and nyk and others for being so kind to him but he wasn't on t heir guest list for such a personal and private event!...so he just observed from a distance..high up on a rock out of the way and purring knowing noct was surely very happy and that made him happy knowing the kind lady he knew was having such a special day. Now if only this one moth would stop buzzing around his ears!!
Canter Elais Acorn watched Nykita as he made his small announcment. Elm did not know what he had expected. Damn near expecting to see every person that the squirrel knew in attendence this evening. The bow watched. The cigar toked upon. When the hybrid made her appearance the wolf stood up straighter. Pinching off the cherry of the mostly smoked cigar with the claws of his index finger and thumb. Then tucking the nub into the inside pocket of his coat with the rest instead of poluting the clear and clean water he was standing in. Elm removed his hat then, holding it with both hands infront of his lap.
Jobe turned his head for just a moment as Nyk made his speech, but then he found another distraction. "Lady Nocturn." He visably blushed from the sight of her, sure the one time he'd met her, she was beautiful, but on her wedding day. Just wow. His voice was a bit loud, speaking towards the cave, announcing that she was there almost. "You look wonderful." Stepping aside and giving a light bow to the woman, and a motion of his arm towards the floor, and out towards the pair. Had he known her more, he may have put all the pieces together sooner. After all, she had told him she was to be wed soon, just.. he didn't realize it was this soon.
Nykita Aymen straightened himself up from his bow, gaze rising with his body to fall upon Nocturnal standing at the entrance, looking over the dress that she was wearing and just how beautiful she looked, dressed so finely in such a place filled with nature. He'd suck in a deep breath through his nose, chest expanding out while his back would straighten to make him look very proud at the moment, a wide smile upon his features as he'd watch the woman in silence, waiting for her to approach closer so that he could hold out his left paw to her, "You look wonderful, love..." The squirrel murred softly - even if he was already aware of yet another little sneaky attendee since the cave was not that large, Nanaki would find it a little hard to hide himself properly!
Nocturnal Coyote's cheeks flared in a soft blush, with a tip of her head towards Jobe, offering the shark a soft smile. She'd bite her bottom lip just a moment ebfore she came into full view. Her eyes danced across all the figures, the bodies that were attending.. it was more then she thought would be here! Faces known and unknown alike, each time she caught a set of eyes, the hybrid would offer a soft smile. Nykita was the last one she'd look too.. and her face simply lit up, the smile reaching her eyes while simply, her eyes sparkled.. there was no doubt in her mind he looked dashing in his attire. "Thank you and you.." was given softly, as she'd look him over. "Look.. very handsome indeed." One tail, of the three flickered out to bap along Nanaki's nose softly, as if calling the kitten out from hiding and wondering why he'd hide. Once close, and the paw was offered, she'd slip hers into his, moving up before him. "Elm." was givne in a soft greeting, as the old man was smiled at.
Canter Elais Acorn moved up to the edge of the water after the hybrid had taken the squirrels hand. He watched her tail move out to find the cat boy who had attempted to keep himself separate from the rest of the audience. When Noct looked to him the wolf gave a low nod to her. Then extended his right hand directly in front of himself. "Would you both please step forwards?" His hand would drop a little to indicate the shore of the pond. He let himself have a smirk. It only lasted a few second before he sent it away and took a breath. Waiting for both Nykita and Noct to stand before him. Once more looking out over the gathering before speaking up fully. "Ladies and Gentlemen. Before we begin I would like to say a few words." He looked once more to the couple who they had all gathered together in honor of. "I was asked to preside over this engagement. And no surprise, its something I don't have any experience with." Canter Elais Acorn looked back out over the gathering. "I have known Nykita for what seems quite a long time now. And while he was always retained an air of enigmatics about him. He's never shown me that he is anything less then a passionate, and honorable man. He honors me, by allowing me to dictate these proceedings." Elm would look to the hybrid then. "Noct I have only known for just less then a year and a half. And while I did not think either much about, or highly of her when I first knew her. And the situation of our first encounter was a very strange time. I eventualy..." He looked back to the crowd. "Like much of us here...grew to love her." He turned his muzzle back to the couple. "Nykita is a very lucky man to have captured the heart of such a powerful spirit."
Jobe watched the lady Nocturn walk up to her soon to be husband, but when the arrangements began, the shark obviously hung back to the entrance of the grotto, quietly rolling a rather large spliff to ease his nerves. This... emotion the two shared in was repressed in the shark, something innate that made love like a dumpster's stink. But for the woman who'd shown him such kindness, he'd give her his witness at the very least. He'd listen to Elm's words, absorbing their meaning and considering the joy he heard from the wolf.
Nykita Aymen had to resist the urge to sweep her off her feet when she approached him, thankfully the want to walk into the water with her hand holding his own was stronger - the markings on their palms pressing together, the squirrel turned towards the edge of the water and glanced down, then back at her as if to ask if she was ready before timing his step so that both of their bare feet would touch the water at the same time, enjoying the cool touch and the feel of wet sand beneath his toes. Wading through the water until they were almost knee deep into the small pool, the squirrel would reach up to remove the hat from his head and holding at his waist, looking up at the tall wolf speaking. It truly did make him fold his ears back and lower his head in gratitude for the kindness that Elm spoke while also squeezing Nocturnal's paw softly as he was, like most others that she had met, very thankful to have her in his life.
Nocturnal Coyote's cheeks flushed a moment.. squeezing nyks paw lightly once it was in hers.. her right to his left... When he looked up at her, and on Elms question.. the hybrid gave a nod, only to step into the water just at the same time he had. Not minding at all that their attire would get wet, soaked even. Surely, the dress would soak up some of the water, just enough, and that didn't phase her, either. Eyes were locked on Nykitas as she watched him, intently, unable to help but smile the entire time.. though as Elm began to talk, she flushed again. Eye contact breaking, as she sought the water below her. True, Elm and she didn't get along for most of the time they'd known eacother. But then look at them now.. she dropped her guise for the old wolf and he saw her true.. A deep breath was taken as thumb traced along the back of Nykitas paw. The cool water under her felt like heaven to her nervous frame, and helped even more so with keeping the woman on a more calm note. Powerful Spirit.. liked the way he worded that..
Canter Elais Acorn felt as if he had to control his breathing. Not like he was the one getting married today. Still, there was standing before a crowd and for a small part. Opening his heart. "I love and respect them, above all. A few kind words are the least I can do to express that." The wolf would fold the brim of his hat with both hands as he looked down upon the two lovers before him. "With no indication of how the enguaged would like the proceedings to commence. We will hold this cerimony in a reserved fassion that I am the most familure with. Do either of you have any words you would like to share with each other, or with the rest of us before we begin? An informal exchange of vows?"
Nykita Aymen's feet made light sounds of rolling water as he moved to turn and face the hybrid, pants soaked up to his thighs but it did not matter to him as he'd reach out with his other paw, leaving his tail to hold the hat above the water while floating on the surface itself. He'd want to just hold hands with her now, looking into her beautiful eyes, tracing the serene features of her face as he felt the presence of everyone else in the grotto to one side and Elm to the other, "If I said everything that I wanted to say to you, then we will be standing here for a very long time... I cannot think of anything more than I have not already said; you are the ray of light in my life, you are the comfort in my day and the serenity in my night..." His gaze would return to her eyes again as his fingers intertwined with her own, holding them at chest level, "...and I love you, I will be with you for as long as our love lasts." Closing his eyes, the squirrel let himself be immersed the in the feeling of the moment; the water around his feet, the crisp taste of the air, her hands within his own and surrounded by those close to him, "...and thank you." He'd turn his head to look over at the group around them, smiling genuinely as he eyed the face of the quirky lemur, his lovely companion, the tri-tailed kitsune and his date, the sneaky kitten on the rocks, the enigamtic blue rabbit and the spiritual biona, the shy half-breed wolf, the energetic fox, the corner-loving effeminate wolf, the lovely blue bitch herself, the dark dragon, the big bad wolf sealing his marriage and finally back to the one that held his hands and his heart.
Nocturnal Coyote liked the fact that Elm was .. showing his heart before the crowd, even though she figured it must be a little hard, if not a lot hard for him. She liked it.. Ears flickered when Elm asked about vows, with a cant of her head she watched Nykita.. she hadn't perviously written anything or even given a lot of thought to what she was going to say when that time came up. She wanted to speak completely from the heart, in the moment... everything.. She blushed softly at her squirrels words and took a deep breath while her eyes sought his and simply stayed there. "Nykita.." She started, with a cant of her head, another deep breath taken. "It took me a long time to realize that I could have a home away from my island, that I could be completely content, and completely happy without my usaul way of life. To understand what one meant, when they said home and what home really is. I am home, here.. by your side.. with you.. where ever we will go, whatever lands we will see.. as long as you are by my side.. I am home." She'd bite her bottom lip a moment, taking a deep breath once again. "Thank you, for loving me, for me.. so completely and fully.. for accepting who I am without a question, and for standing by my side, through everything." She'd add, as he thanked the crowd, she'd watch him.. yes.. she loved that people had come to celebrate with them, but right now, her sole focus was Nykita, and Nykita alone.. "I Love you.. and.. I will be with you, by your side.. as long as our love lasts."
Thermadoor had watched for some time, his ears perking to some exchange of words and with folding his ears back against his head the rabbit stood up from his position. Things where coming to a close and this little event was ending, time to depart. No point saying anything his being here was words enough as the rabbit walked out of the cave up toward the opening and off back to where he had originally comefrom going back to what he was doing, wishing no ill nor fortune upon them only being there to watch a friend have their happy day, no place for a grumpy rabbit.
Nykita Aymen could not suppress a soft chuckle at the words that Elm recited, which seemed oddly... civilized and constructed for something that he felt was much more; he'd instead focus on the woman in front of him, stepping forward through the water again to put himself closer to her while keeping their hands held together, fingers intertwined, palm to palm while he looked into her eyes with a feeling of butter flies growing in his stomach, spreading up to his chest now with his heart beat quickening in pace.
Nocturnal Coyote stole a glance at Elm, with a light grin as she watched the wolf for a long moment, only to chuckle softly. Nykitas paws were squeezed gently in response as she stepped up closer to him, just enough.. resisting the urge to press against him and kiss him and be all cute and silly romantic. She was nervous, no doubt.. but why? There truly was no reason to be.
Canter Elais Acorn would wait a few seconds. Then continue. That part of weddings always felt like a moment of silence to him. "In this moment I follow the traditions I was raised with. The couple will now exchange official vows befor those gathered to bare witness." Elm looked to the squirrel. "Nyk, repeat after me please? I, Nykita, take you, Dakota to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and obey. From this day forward until death do us part."
Nykita Aymen was not very good at following such traditions - turning to regard the wolf with both of his ears perked up in a little bit of surprise, even giving him a soft frown, "...may I just kiss her with your blessing?" He'd full out ask Elm since they had already done much more than vow to eachother and vowing to do all of those things without that last vow of obeying.
Nocturnal Coyote chuckled a little as Elm went into a very very formal wedding, as Nykita spoke up, the hybrid watched him, squeezing his paw softly, though she would agree.. after all.. neither of them were very much set in such ways.. they, and everyone here and already heard the extent of their love, and their vows to one another.. though she didn't voice it, instead, she watched her two gentelmen with a soft purr. Tail tips giving way to flicker through the water.
Canter Elais Acorn laughed and nearly stumbled as he bent forwards. Reaching out to put his hand on Nykita's shoulder. The wolf had to suck in a breath before standing up fully and nodding. "Go ahead and kiss the girl." He looked to Noct then as his hand slipped from Nyks shoulder. Placing it then upon hers and giving a pat. "Make his toes curl.."
Nykita Aymen's smile could only be described as bright when Elm placed a paw on his shoulder and gave him the response he wanted, turning to look at the hybrid with his ears folding back slightly and taking in a deep breath - this was the moment! The squirrel would squeeze her paws lightly, the entire scene seemed to slow down as he looked into her eyes, "I love you." He'd whisper softly and then lean forward, tilting his head to the right a little while his paws lowered just a little bit - the kiss he sought to form was light, a soft touch that they could hold for as long as they wanted because that was more than just a soft kiss - it was the first kiss as husband and wife.
Nocturnal Coyote chuckled softly at Elm, she watched him and when he leaned in, she'd press her cheek against his, giving a soft nuzzle, only to chuckle again at his words. Hybrid turned once more to face Nykita, watching him, blushing softly. She'd meet his advance, canting her head just a bit to the other side as their lips met.. taking in a soft breath just a moment before.. lingering.. squeezing of Nykitas paws, she'd meet he kiss full on, and press into it, not forceful but not quite soft either, parting her lips just enough to nip lightly at his bottom lip.
Jasper Flynn had been good, quiet, respectful, and most importantly... Not disruptive. It was despite all of his own natural instincts, and probably was getting quite fidgety from sitting in one spot for so long as well! That being said, the first kiss, the moment that signified husband and wife was enough to get the lemur to stir, lifting up just enough, and clapping both hands together loudly. "Hooray everyone! Now we should get to drinking as those two get to... Well, none of our business!" He'd say, applauding the happy couple on a wedding well done!
Jobe also began to applaud, though his applause came from the very back, and in the distant opening of the grotto. Though as soon as he'd given his witness, he found that was quite enough lovey-dovey for the moment. There was only so much the shark could take. Though he'd still be nearby, just outside the grotto, and smoking the herbal cigarette he'd rolled at the start of their union.
Canter Elais Acorn watched the two exchange their kiss. Smirking as they did so. The wolf lifted his hat up and slapped it atop his head. Then held his hands up above the heads of the squirrel and hybrid. "I present Mr. and Mrs. Aymen!" Elm lowered his hands then and reached into his coat for another cigar. "You don't have to go home! But you can't stay here!"
Sadie Hawkins had been set beside Jasper, watching the nuptials go on and looking a little nervous herself. When the couple was proununced man and wife, the Pom whistled and clapped. Hearing Jasper's call for drinking Sadie lifted her own voice, "Here here! Many Blessings you two." And with her hand slipped into Jasper's own, she tugged the Lemur along with her. They were getting out of here before the rush to leave trampled them both. Drinking, much much drinking was needed!
Lixius joined in with the clapping as the new couple finally kissed and Elm had made things offical once and for all. Smiling as he rose to his feet as well with a soft cheer of his own. "Congratulations, long life and many blessings to the newly weds!"
Nykita Aymen did intend for the kiss to be soft but that soft push she made to deepen it, that soft nib to his lip and the cheers of the crowd - that was more than enough to push the squirrel into something more; his arms wrapped around her shoulders before he'd full out swing her body around, pulling her deeper into the kiss with the approval of the onlookers! Holding her to his chest, over the surface of the water while he smiled wide, pulling back and looking down at her with a soft nosing motion, "I love you." He'd murr again before standing up, helping her back upright before turning to glance at the rest, laughing at the cheering, "Thank you everyone! You... all of you..." Yeah, he was happy.
Canter Elais Acorn would have found the location in which Nykita and Dakotas wedding was to take place early in the day. It was best the wolf figured to arrive before anyone else. Considering how other things with these people and this world went. It seemed unlikely that there would be any need to prep for a reception. Or to go out looking for a likly gift for the couple. Not like he had any clue what would be appropriate for the two. Elm was never the sort to enguage in gifts that were simply asthetic. And could not really think of anything Nyk or Noct required in their day to day life. Maybe a saddle for Nocts horse? Nah, she likely already had a very nice one. A globe for Nyks ready room? Did'nt he already have one? He gave it more thought, not likely it would go anywhere as he waited around the little grotto Nykita had selected for the occasion. Dressed in his usual the wolf sat with a cigar, and a book. Legs crossed on the ground.
Kauru had set out in the morning to find this place marked on the scroll that had somehow found its way to his paws. It took him hours to find the path leading to this place, but he'd eventually stumple upon the familiar scent trail of those who had already made it, and found his way to the little grotto. He'd offer a wordless nod to those who were already present and moved to take a seat and wait for the ceremonies to begin, busying himself with packing his pipe with something special he'd picked up on his way out of town.
Jasper Flynn was very likely to have lost the scroll by now. In a room, in a hideout of some sort, or perhaps in the wake of a chase or two. Either way, it was a good thing that he had read that damned thing, once or twice, and was attempting to find his way around by memory. The lemur was dressed more or less as normal, but had found himself a fancy jacket along the way. Very likely hanging upon a a string outside of one of the more surviving houses in town after the tsunami. He was 'borrowing', with every intention of returning to the same laundry line later. If he remembered to, of course, strange things tend to happen at weddings, after all. He'd probably be wondering about, here and there, but eventually found his way to the cave where this event was supposed to happen. Hopefully, he wasn't late. But then again! With such a nice jacket, he could be fashionably late!
Nykita Aymen did not send out any formal requests of attendance, nor was there any requirement for dress or gifts - just anyone that he felt close enough with and they were free to show up as they saw fit, as they wished to portray themselves and there was no condition about only needing to come themselves. No, the entire gathering was just him wanting those he was close with to be there if they wanted to be there. The squirrel took a much different route to the cave that he was already very familiar with already, meticulously picking at the outfit that was so kindly assembled for him - tugging at the frills of his sleeves, tightening the fingerless glove around his right paw with his left being barren to keep the green triquetra knot visible. There was also something that made him smile as he reached into the inside of his breast pocket, feeling a small lump there and smirked as he walked forward with his feet bare, "Looks like there are others still on the way..." His voice would come from the entrance, glancing to see Elm and Kauru being the only ones in the cave so far, the sound of softly flowing water filling the small area with a very clean and rich taste to the air inside - the squirrel looked much, much different than before - sporting a neat yet extravagant shirt and vest combination, a long and flowing swallow-tail coat with a stunted top hat sitting on his head, the braid swaying slightly on the side of his face still with the twin blue feathers sticking out on the side.
Jobe had been wandering about through the forest for some time, best to keep a low profile after a meal was taken from one soon to be found missing. Pausing nearby a cave, he leaned against a tree just out of the way, and began to roll himself a fresh herbal cigarette. Lighting the spliff with a match and enjoying his toking's. Though there seemed to be alot of traffic into the cave just out of his peripheral view, piking his curiousity which drew him to move towards the cave entrance. The shark leaned against the edge of it, allowing the warm rays to bathe his back while he inspected what was going on. Though he seemed to be vastly underdressed for whatever event was going on. Just his boardshorts donning his body.
Sadie Hawkins was following after Jasper. not because the Pom was invited, but because it was Jasper. The fight from before, well.. who didn't fight every now and again. The two were known to, at least in some degree, fight. Black raven locks were back in play once more, though how, was anyone's guess. Shorn short lengths had been smoothed out but didn't make much more than a halo of inking black against creamy toned fur. Silent as could, be, and very likely unknowing of the nuputials that she was crashing, Sadie found place right beside Jasper. Reaching out to slip her paw along the inside of his arm, the Pom was dressed per usual, long black belling skirt that ranged down upon her boots. Lengths of fabrics around her hips and falling in tied lenghts around her thighs in different shades of spring colors. When she leaned into Jasper she whispered softly, "Nice coat" Though she doubted very much it was his own.
Nocturnal Coyote was some distance away, well, not really.. away enough, she knew the path to the grotto, but she was surely taking her time, on the ship, preparing.. nervously. The talk with Akai earlier went fair, in truth, Sasha's sister had helped put the hybrid at ease some. Wedding.. married.. everything she had sworn she'd never do again, and here she was.. soft smile touched her face as she stood from her seat, playing with her hair just before.. not much one could do with such short hair she'd discovered, oh so fast. At least it was brushed, and pushed back, bangs hanging over one eye. Standing, nude for the moment.. she'd move to where the dress hung, gliding a touch over it softly, ruffling the crimson fabric softly.. soon.. Ifonly she knew where Arkwin was, or had someone, at her side to assist. Hybrid smirked.
Thermadoor had got his letter, infact he still had the slip with him as he hunted down the area he was suppose to meet everyone. "I swear if this is another wolf den or something Im finding someone else." He said in a slightly annoyed voice ringing down into the cave, the winds having unnatural directions of flow around him as the nature spirits being at his aid and having a little bit of fun with misleading him here and there it turns out causing him to be a bit later than he wished, but oh well. The bun was dressed up in his old tailed tux with a dark forest tie tucked into the undervest coming mostly unequipped as his gear was left behind to make the suit look far more appealing holding a rather firm scent of milky chocolate about him as he wondered deeper into the cave starting to hear the soft running of water.
Lixius arrived, much like many others he suspected, due to the invitation he'd received, at the private cavern hidden nicely out of the way. Hmming faintly as the bunny stepped through the entrance and inside, garbed in deep crimson formal slacks and matching coat above which tails drift near to his ankles. For brief moment he paused before nodding to those around, both known and unknown to him as he slips inside and finds himself a place he could sit, to await the ceremony.
Karn would eventualy make it to the designated place, and spotting others already here he perks his ears and glances around before heading over to Elm. Though he wanted to sit, he remained standing as he was having a bit of an issue that prevented him from sitting comfortably. The rings peirced into the base of his tails were still agonizingly sensative and made for a very irritable Hybrid most of the time. Ears laid back he nods a greeting to the wolf and remains silent for now. And due to a specific person not quite being on yet but might join soonish we might loosely assume a short blue haired male might be with Karn as a sort of date.
Canter Elais Acorn gave a little notice to each figure that entered the grotto. His head would raise to see who had arrived and then return to what he was reading. When Nykita spoke up the wolf looked the squirrel over then looked back down again as if he were any other body. He naturaly figured the groom to show up sooner then most others. When the place had started to fill up he gave a low grunt and began to move to his feet. Nods given here and there as the book was tucked into the left pocket of his coat. Elm wondered to himself, 'When did I become a guy that carrys around a book all the time?' It was actualy something he did on and off. It just seemed to be on alot more recently.
Kauru sat quietly in the outermost corner of the grotto, distancing himself from the others so the plumes of marijuana smoke he was blowing into the air didn't linger over anyone's head, or something. He found a nice comfy rock to lean against and made himself nice and comfy, spacing out a bit as he puffed on his pipe.
Jasper Flynn felt his arm being looped, and was not quite aware of being followed.Yet, none the less, the lemur didn't look all that surprised. He'd raise a single brow at her comment on his coat. "What?" He'd say in a very innocent sounding voice. "I'm gonna give it back. I jus' don't have anything to wear for these kinds of things." The cave felt as if it might not be the best place for fancy clothing, but oh well... It wasn't his... "Besides." He'd whisper, pausing the glance about the room at all of the familiar faces and many that were not. "Weddings make me all antsy." Jasper shifted uncomfortably. "When does it start?" He'd ask the Pom, as if she would know.
Jobe sniffed around as he hovered in the entranceway, he could smell another smoking the aromatic herb he'd come to love from the land. It far beat the sticky moss of the ocean, even if one had to smoke it. He leaned his head in a bit, and looked over to the side at the male who was, like him, holding back so other's wouldn't have the plumes of smoke in their faces. "Smells good." He'd wink to the male as he took another toke from his spliff, letting the large cloud pour some towards him, but then the rest was blown outside of the cave. The shark was rather taken back by the gathering group, curiousity growing, wondering what was occuring.
Sadie Hawkins always sorta found that Jasper was just a pull on her soul. Where he was, she was at times. An ear perked towards him as she turned her direction to the Captain that she'd only pledged her allegiance to once. "Sure you are.." She spoke softly and only to Jasper. The flow of people adding her own uneasiness. The pom's lips found a soft line before she glanced around, "Is this a wedding?" Though it looked to be Nyk's wedding. Lifting her hand to her lips, Sadie tried her best not to laugh at Jasper's questions. "When the bride gets here. Who's getting married?" Blues shifted towards the Lemur and then back across the crowd in slight worry. The itch at the back of her neck raised gloved paw to that mark, rubbing softly as her brow began to furrow. Something still wasn't quite right.
Nocturnal Coyote turned with a soft breath and turned to pace across the floor. Paws moved up, as if to pull through her hair, only to stop.. she'd already arranged it the way she liked it.. a light shudder slipped down her back to her tails, which each seemed to shudder in turn. Eyes closed. Another breath was taken before her eyes opened and she looked a ther right palm, studying the mark there.. the mark they shared.. each one had in turn.. raising her left paw up she'd trace the mark.. smiling softly. Hybrid plucked up a set of undergarments and slipped into them, smoothing paws along her corset piercings to make sure the ribbons were unruffled and laying firm.. she'd pause to ajdust her chains, assuring nothing snagged before the dress was turned too, and taken from its place of hanging. With a soft murmur to herself, she studied it and wondered just how, she was going to slip into it alone. In the shop where it was tailored, she surely needed help.. Oh the adventures of dresses.
Nykita Aymen made his way to the center of the cave but he was careful to avoid stepping into the water, keeping his bare feet on dry land for the time being even if the big wolf was sitting on a rock across the waters, "Elm." The squirrel looked over the man that was going to act as the one who would solidify his marriage with his love. Turning around, the squirrel would turn to greet the rest of the arrivals with a smile, taking Dawson's paw into his own while clapping the feline on the shoulder once, lowering his head in a nod as the tri-tailed kitsune showed up, "Glad to see you made it, Karn." Then turning to regard the new face with a smirk - he had never seen the shark before but why spoil a good feeling, "Greetings." His eyes then falling towards Kal with a soft chuckle, "Enjoying yourself, Kal?" Calling out the pipe-smoking wolf as the shark boy joined him - Jasper and Sadie? Adorable! It had the squirrel smirked, bushy tail flicking sharply before lowering to hang behind his legs as they added to the cave looking very surreal, filled with a mixture of casual and fancy-dressed folk while keeping a look of utter nature to it, "Well, it would seem like you two could also get married yourselves." He could not help but remark with a soft laugh, "Good to see you here Jasper." Then turning to the girl that claimed his arm, "Sadie." The cave was certainly filling up now as he'd nod to the winged angelic canine that came in, followed by a slightly flustered bionna, "Thank you coming Aaros..." And then the blue bun appeared, making the squirrel smirk, "...Lixius." Turning towards the entire room, he'd make a sweeping gesture towards everyone there, "Please, make yourselves comfortable where ever you will - there is no seating arrangement, just wherever you feel most comfortable."
Thermadoor had the wind and spirits all rolling around him till Nyk had taken noticed of him and the shimmering wind would seem to widen out and dissipate, the waters turning and twisting about as a soft breeze blew through the cave to get the fresh smell of the water and plantlife more filling the stagnant air of the area keeping things freshened up as the black suited hair walked over and too himself a seat over by some flower patches not minding sitting in the grass. He looked to Nyk and the others and of course he chose a reclusive spot for himself to remain for the event not liking crowds, but still he wouldn't miss this moment as important as it was for the captain and Noct. Aaros gave off soft whisperings as the nearly invisible spirits played about carrying out his wishes making and keeping this place in as presentable condition as they could.
Karn would remain pretty silent, and calm thankfuly. His irritation a slight background anoyence he masked well with a calm mask. The pain was bothersome but he managed to hide it well for now. The one he brought with him was ever silent and stuck close to his side, simply watching the people with him. (desides to put more detail in his companion just in case...) The little male at his side had blue tinted skin and purplish blue hair and stood a good foot shorter then Karn himself, the Hybrids Pine Martan, Taka, was sleeping draped around the little males neck. He flashes Nykita a grin and nods. "How could I miss this." He would then motion to the little male. "This is Punka. He came to make sure I behaved and didnt get into trouble." He vaguely commented with amusement. Punka was actualy there to tend to his tails if needed and to calm him if he turned bitchy. He had not dared to bring his Mate. It was just a bad idea to do so.
Jasper Flynn turned to Sadie with narrowed eyes. He'd shrug both of the shoulders that lifted the arms of the "borrowed" jacket that he wore for the occasion. "I am!" He'd say in a insistent, but restrained tone of voice. He was going to give it back, and now more then ever. So, whomever it belonged to before now, probably had a pom's sarcasm to thank for the clothing's safe return. "And yes, it's a wedding. At least, I think so..." He'd glance about all shifty-eye'd as if looking for clues. The clue that would come in the form of a squirrel that stepped before them in greeting. "You see?" He'd nudge Sadie in the side. "Absolutely gettin' hitched." Jasper then gave the squirrel a large toothy grin. "Oh, I asked her." He'd joke, "But she tells me that her intended choice didn't say yes.." He'd laugh softly. "Good luck!" The lemur offered to the squirrel, mainly because he didn't quite know what to else to say. "Umm... break a leg?"
Sadie Hawkins hated that look, that narrowed eyed glance at her. Sadie cleared her throat and dropped her hand from her neck, Pom made a face at the nudge and pinched against the Lemur's side when he did so. A twitch of an eye before smooth features replaced that sweet soft smile at the Captain. Her head bowing lightly, "Captain Nykita." She offered in soft greeting though when it was mentioned about their own nuputals, Sadie's ears turned a bit pink and glare from those blues landed on Jasper, "If you call a drunken slur of frightfully lewed references to his private bits and my own, asking for marriage, I'd say I gave an appropirate response." Taking her hand from the inside of Jasper's arm, Sadie crossed her arms beneath her chest and cleared her throat, "May the primes bless your marriage Captain." Though it wasn't getting off to a good start considering there was no bride to be seen.
Canter Elais Acorn had, unlike Nykita, been standing in the shallow water near the rock he had been sitting on, apperantly. The smell that started to waft in his direction cought the wolfs nose. It got him breathing deeper. Thankfully that wind that had arrived with Aaros presence cleared up the air, allowing him to focus on the taste and smell of his cigar instead. Now would not have been a good time to have his head clouded by the sweet leaf. The wolf did not speek. And simply stood at the edge of the small pond, waiting and smoking. Not feeling much like the social type at the moment it was well enough that there were so many people to watch. Two of which being compleatly unfamilure to Elm. As the Groot filled up and the arrival of the guest of honor was awaited he'd humm.
Jobe hmm'd to himself as the wolf he'd spoken to seemed distracted, so he began to exit, only for his eye's to catch the squirrel's, and the greeting given. The shark didn't speak, only nodding to the male and moving out towards the sunlight, still curious on the event, but could smell his and the others sticky herb in the air. So he'd blow his smoke out into the open air, pondering the event, and the mention of a wedding that he'd heard. Though it seemed his presense wasn't burdening, so he would stick around for a little while longer at least. But in the back of his mind he was considering returning to that ship where he'd met dawson and others.
Nykita Aymen gave a small bow towards Punka, the cute date that Karn brought with himself before chuckling at the adorable couple that Jasper and Sadie made together. Then he saw that everyone was settling in for now and decided to speak again, taking a deep breath of the fresh air that Thermadoor was so kind to gift them all with, "Friends! Thank you accepting my invitation to this place... where I plan to marry the woman I love." He'd pause at how cheesy it sounded, even chuckling at himself, "...thank you, that is all I can really say for this - thank you for being here, sharing this moment with me." With that said, the squirrel would pull his arm across his stomach and took a rather deep bow to everyone, except Elm if he stayed behind him - he'd get the ass-end of that bow.
Nocturnal Coyote worked the dress so it was pulled over her head, and settled in along her frame. Hugging across her chest and her stomach, only to flare out just enough around her hips. The gown itself was a crimson red, the bead work on it gold in color, while the flowers and other trimming was black. Adjusting it just right, she'd stand and fix her hair once more.. only to give a nod to herself. No make-up. It was them, them and friends and family. No shoes, either.. as the hybrid simply couldn't stand the feel of such things. Wings were kept hidden and at bay for now, though her tails surely made their presence known. Skirts gathered just after the bells of her sleeves were adjusted to hang as they may, she'd sigh lightly. Slipping one small piece into the top of her gown, making sure it was safe, and secure. She'd surely taken her time getting ready and now, well.. now ti was time enough, luckily, the walk simply wasn't too far.. and before long, the woman stood posed, just outside the entrance, tipping her head to the shark, with a soft smile gracing her features.
Nanaki Sandtail Would be watching and waiting...having found a nice quiet spot to observe the situation...he knew he wasn't family or friend..or at least he didn't feel like he knew the bride and groom well enough to deserve a good spot....he was thankfull to Noct and nyk and others for being so kind to him but he wasn't on t heir guest list for such a personal and private event!...so he just observed from a distance..high up on a rock out of the way and purring knowing noct was surely very happy and that made him happy knowing the kind lady he knew was having such a special day. Now if only this one moth would stop buzzing around his ears!!
Canter Elais Acorn watched Nykita as he made his small announcment. Elm did not know what he had expected. Damn near expecting to see every person that the squirrel knew in attendence this evening. The bow watched. The cigar toked upon. When the hybrid made her appearance the wolf stood up straighter. Pinching off the cherry of the mostly smoked cigar with the claws of his index finger and thumb. Then tucking the nub into the inside pocket of his coat with the rest instead of poluting the clear and clean water he was standing in. Elm removed his hat then, holding it with both hands infront of his lap.
Jobe turned his head for just a moment as Nyk made his speech, but then he found another distraction. "Lady Nocturn." He visably blushed from the sight of her, sure the one time he'd met her, she was beautiful, but on her wedding day. Just wow. His voice was a bit loud, speaking towards the cave, announcing that she was there almost. "You look wonderful." Stepping aside and giving a light bow to the woman, and a motion of his arm towards the floor, and out towards the pair. Had he known her more, he may have put all the pieces together sooner. After all, she had told him she was to be wed soon, just.. he didn't realize it was this soon.
Nykita Aymen straightened himself up from his bow, gaze rising with his body to fall upon Nocturnal standing at the entrance, looking over the dress that she was wearing and just how beautiful she looked, dressed so finely in such a place filled with nature. He'd suck in a deep breath through his nose, chest expanding out while his back would straighten to make him look very proud at the moment, a wide smile upon his features as he'd watch the woman in silence, waiting for her to approach closer so that he could hold out his left paw to her, "You look wonderful, love..." The squirrel murred softly - even if he was already aware of yet another little sneaky attendee since the cave was not that large, Nanaki would find it a little hard to hide himself properly!
Nocturnal Coyote's cheeks flared in a soft blush, with a tip of her head towards Jobe, offering the shark a soft smile. She'd bite her bottom lip just a moment ebfore she came into full view. Her eyes danced across all the figures, the bodies that were attending.. it was more then she thought would be here! Faces known and unknown alike, each time she caught a set of eyes, the hybrid would offer a soft smile. Nykita was the last one she'd look too.. and her face simply lit up, the smile reaching her eyes while simply, her eyes sparkled.. there was no doubt in her mind he looked dashing in his attire. "Thank you and you.." was given softly, as she'd look him over. "Look.. very handsome indeed." One tail, of the three flickered out to bap along Nanaki's nose softly, as if calling the kitten out from hiding and wondering why he'd hide. Once close, and the paw was offered, she'd slip hers into his, moving up before him. "Elm." was givne in a soft greeting, as the old man was smiled at.
Canter Elais Acorn moved up to the edge of the water after the hybrid had taken the squirrels hand. He watched her tail move out to find the cat boy who had attempted to keep himself separate from the rest of the audience. When Noct looked to him the wolf gave a low nod to her. Then extended his right hand directly in front of himself. "Would you both please step forwards?" His hand would drop a little to indicate the shore of the pond. He let himself have a smirk. It only lasted a few second before he sent it away and took a breath. Waiting for both Nykita and Noct to stand before him. Once more looking out over the gathering before speaking up fully. "Ladies and Gentlemen. Before we begin I would like to say a few words." He looked once more to the couple who they had all gathered together in honor of. "I was asked to preside over this engagement. And no surprise, its something I don't have any experience with." Canter Elais Acorn looked back out over the gathering. "I have known Nykita for what seems quite a long time now. And while he was always retained an air of enigmatics about him. He's never shown me that he is anything less then a passionate, and honorable man. He honors me, by allowing me to dictate these proceedings." Elm would look to the hybrid then. "Noct I have only known for just less then a year and a half. And while I did not think either much about, or highly of her when I first knew her. And the situation of our first encounter was a very strange time. I eventualy..." He looked back to the crowd. "Like much of us here...grew to love her." He turned his muzzle back to the couple. "Nykita is a very lucky man to have captured the heart of such a powerful spirit."
Jobe watched the lady Nocturn walk up to her soon to be husband, but when the arrangements began, the shark obviously hung back to the entrance of the grotto, quietly rolling a rather large spliff to ease his nerves. This... emotion the two shared in was repressed in the shark, something innate that made love like a dumpster's stink. But for the woman who'd shown him such kindness, he'd give her his witness at the very least. He'd listen to Elm's words, absorbing their meaning and considering the joy he heard from the wolf.
Nykita Aymen had to resist the urge to sweep her off her feet when she approached him, thankfully the want to walk into the water with her hand holding his own was stronger - the markings on their palms pressing together, the squirrel turned towards the edge of the water and glanced down, then back at her as if to ask if she was ready before timing his step so that both of their bare feet would touch the water at the same time, enjoying the cool touch and the feel of wet sand beneath his toes. Wading through the water until they were almost knee deep into the small pool, the squirrel would reach up to remove the hat from his head and holding at his waist, looking up at the tall wolf speaking. It truly did make him fold his ears back and lower his head in gratitude for the kindness that Elm spoke while also squeezing Nocturnal's paw softly as he was, like most others that she had met, very thankful to have her in his life.
Nocturnal Coyote's cheeks flushed a moment.. squeezing nyks paw lightly once it was in hers.. her right to his left... When he looked up at her, and on Elms question.. the hybrid gave a nod, only to step into the water just at the same time he had. Not minding at all that their attire would get wet, soaked even. Surely, the dress would soak up some of the water, just enough, and that didn't phase her, either. Eyes were locked on Nykitas as she watched him, intently, unable to help but smile the entire time.. though as Elm began to talk, she flushed again. Eye contact breaking, as she sought the water below her. True, Elm and she didn't get along for most of the time they'd known eacother. But then look at them now.. she dropped her guise for the old wolf and he saw her true.. A deep breath was taken as thumb traced along the back of Nykitas paw. The cool water under her felt like heaven to her nervous frame, and helped even more so with keeping the woman on a more calm note. Powerful Spirit.. liked the way he worded that..
Canter Elais Acorn felt as if he had to control his breathing. Not like he was the one getting married today. Still, there was standing before a crowd and for a small part. Opening his heart. "I love and respect them, above all. A few kind words are the least I can do to express that." The wolf would fold the brim of his hat with both hands as he looked down upon the two lovers before him. "With no indication of how the enguaged would like the proceedings to commence. We will hold this cerimony in a reserved fassion that I am the most familure with. Do either of you have any words you would like to share with each other, or with the rest of us before we begin? An informal exchange of vows?"
Nykita Aymen's feet made light sounds of rolling water as he moved to turn and face the hybrid, pants soaked up to his thighs but it did not matter to him as he'd reach out with his other paw, leaving his tail to hold the hat above the water while floating on the surface itself. He'd want to just hold hands with her now, looking into her beautiful eyes, tracing the serene features of her face as he felt the presence of everyone else in the grotto to one side and Elm to the other, "If I said everything that I wanted to say to you, then we will be standing here for a very long time... I cannot think of anything more than I have not already said; you are the ray of light in my life, you are the comfort in my day and the serenity in my night..." His gaze would return to her eyes again as his fingers intertwined with her own, holding them at chest level, "...and I love you, I will be with you for as long as our love lasts." Closing his eyes, the squirrel let himself be immersed the in the feeling of the moment; the water around his feet, the crisp taste of the air, her hands within his own and surrounded by those close to him, "...and thank you." He'd turn his head to look over at the group around them, smiling genuinely as he eyed the face of the quirky lemur, his lovely companion, the tri-tailed kitsune and his date, the sneaky kitten on the rocks, the enigamtic blue rabbit and the spiritual biona, the shy half-breed wolf, the energetic fox, the corner-loving effeminate wolf, the lovely blue bitch herself, the dark dragon, the big bad wolf sealing his marriage and finally back to the one that held his hands and his heart.
Nocturnal Coyote liked the fact that Elm was .. showing his heart before the crowd, even though she figured it must be a little hard, if not a lot hard for him. She liked it.. Ears flickered when Elm asked about vows, with a cant of her head she watched Nykita.. she hadn't perviously written anything or even given a lot of thought to what she was going to say when that time came up. She wanted to speak completely from the heart, in the moment... everything.. She blushed softly at her squirrels words and took a deep breath while her eyes sought his and simply stayed there. "Nykita.." She started, with a cant of her head, another deep breath taken. "It took me a long time to realize that I could have a home away from my island, that I could be completely content, and completely happy without my usaul way of life. To understand what one meant, when they said home and what home really is. I am home, here.. by your side.. with you.. where ever we will go, whatever lands we will see.. as long as you are by my side.. I am home." She'd bite her bottom lip a moment, taking a deep breath once again. "Thank you, for loving me, for me.. so completely and fully.. for accepting who I am without a question, and for standing by my side, through everything." She'd add, as he thanked the crowd, she'd watch him.. yes.. she loved that people had come to celebrate with them, but right now, her sole focus was Nykita, and Nykita alone.. "I Love you.. and.. I will be with you, by your side.. as long as our love lasts."
Thermadoor had watched for some time, his ears perking to some exchange of words and with folding his ears back against his head the rabbit stood up from his position. Things where coming to a close and this little event was ending, time to depart. No point saying anything his being here was words enough as the rabbit walked out of the cave up toward the opening and off back to where he had originally comefrom going back to what he was doing, wishing no ill nor fortune upon them only being there to watch a friend have their happy day, no place for a grumpy rabbit.
Nykita Aymen could not suppress a soft chuckle at the words that Elm recited, which seemed oddly... civilized and constructed for something that he felt was much more; he'd instead focus on the woman in front of him, stepping forward through the water again to put himself closer to her while keeping their hands held together, fingers intertwined, palm to palm while he looked into her eyes with a feeling of butter flies growing in his stomach, spreading up to his chest now with his heart beat quickening in pace.
Nocturnal Coyote stole a glance at Elm, with a light grin as she watched the wolf for a long moment, only to chuckle softly. Nykitas paws were squeezed gently in response as she stepped up closer to him, just enough.. resisting the urge to press against him and kiss him and be all cute and silly romantic. She was nervous, no doubt.. but why? There truly was no reason to be.
Canter Elais Acorn would wait a few seconds. Then continue. That part of weddings always felt like a moment of silence to him. "In this moment I follow the traditions I was raised with. The couple will now exchange official vows befor those gathered to bare witness." Elm looked to the squirrel. "Nyk, repeat after me please? I, Nykita, take you, Dakota to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and obey. From this day forward until death do us part."
Nykita Aymen was not very good at following such traditions - turning to regard the wolf with both of his ears perked up in a little bit of surprise, even giving him a soft frown, "...may I just kiss her with your blessing?" He'd full out ask Elm since they had already done much more than vow to eachother and vowing to do all of those things without that last vow of obeying.
Nocturnal Coyote chuckled a little as Elm went into a very very formal wedding, as Nykita spoke up, the hybrid watched him, squeezing his paw softly, though she would agree.. after all.. neither of them were very much set in such ways.. they, and everyone here and already heard the extent of their love, and their vows to one another.. though she didn't voice it, instead, she watched her two gentelmen with a soft purr. Tail tips giving way to flicker through the water.
Canter Elais Acorn laughed and nearly stumbled as he bent forwards. Reaching out to put his hand on Nykita's shoulder. The wolf had to suck in a breath before standing up fully and nodding. "Go ahead and kiss the girl." He looked to Noct then as his hand slipped from Nyks shoulder. Placing it then upon hers and giving a pat. "Make his toes curl.."
Nykita Aymen's smile could only be described as bright when Elm placed a paw on his shoulder and gave him the response he wanted, turning to look at the hybrid with his ears folding back slightly and taking in a deep breath - this was the moment! The squirrel would squeeze her paws lightly, the entire scene seemed to slow down as he looked into her eyes, "I love you." He'd whisper softly and then lean forward, tilting his head to the right a little while his paws lowered just a little bit - the kiss he sought to form was light, a soft touch that they could hold for as long as they wanted because that was more than just a soft kiss - it was the first kiss as husband and wife.
Nocturnal Coyote chuckled softly at Elm, she watched him and when he leaned in, she'd press her cheek against his, giving a soft nuzzle, only to chuckle again at his words. Hybrid turned once more to face Nykita, watching him, blushing softly. She'd meet his advance, canting her head just a bit to the other side as their lips met.. taking in a soft breath just a moment before.. lingering.. squeezing of Nykitas paws, she'd meet he kiss full on, and press into it, not forceful but not quite soft either, parting her lips just enough to nip lightly at his bottom lip.
Jasper Flynn had been good, quiet, respectful, and most importantly... Not disruptive. It was despite all of his own natural instincts, and probably was getting quite fidgety from sitting in one spot for so long as well! That being said, the first kiss, the moment that signified husband and wife was enough to get the lemur to stir, lifting up just enough, and clapping both hands together loudly. "Hooray everyone! Now we should get to drinking as those two get to... Well, none of our business!" He'd say, applauding the happy couple on a wedding well done!
Jobe also began to applaud, though his applause came from the very back, and in the distant opening of the grotto. Though as soon as he'd given his witness, he found that was quite enough lovey-dovey for the moment. There was only so much the shark could take. Though he'd still be nearby, just outside the grotto, and smoking the herbal cigarette he'd rolled at the start of their union.
Canter Elais Acorn watched the two exchange their kiss. Smirking as they did so. The wolf lifted his hat up and slapped it atop his head. Then held his hands up above the heads of the squirrel and hybrid. "I present Mr. and Mrs. Aymen!" Elm lowered his hands then and reached into his coat for another cigar. "You don't have to go home! But you can't stay here!"
Sadie Hawkins had been set beside Jasper, watching the nuptials go on and looking a little nervous herself. When the couple was proununced man and wife, the Pom whistled and clapped. Hearing Jasper's call for drinking Sadie lifted her own voice, "Here here! Many Blessings you two." And with her hand slipped into Jasper's own, she tugged the Lemur along with her. They were getting out of here before the rush to leave trampled them both. Drinking, much much drinking was needed!
Lixius joined in with the clapping as the new couple finally kissed and Elm had made things offical once and for all. Smiling as he rose to his feet as well with a soft cheer of his own. "Congratulations, long life and many blessings to the newly weds!"
Nykita Aymen did intend for the kiss to be soft but that soft push she made to deepen it, that soft nib to his lip and the cheers of the crowd - that was more than enough to push the squirrel into something more; his arms wrapped around her shoulders before he'd full out swing her body around, pulling her deeper into the kiss with the approval of the onlookers! Holding her to his chest, over the surface of the water while he smiled wide, pulling back and looking down at her with a soft nosing motion, "I love you." He'd murr again before standing up, helping her back upright before turning to glance at the rest, laughing at the cheering, "Thank you everyone! You... all of you..." Yeah, he was happy.
wait when did this happen been waiting to get word on the event! i missed it!
Moderators: Nocturnal Aymen (played by PaganSpirit) Sofey Eristis (played by Lionheart) Nykita Aymen (played by Nykita)