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Jobe the night before had eaten what he liked, through.. unique opportunites. Sure he was starting to have ping's of regret in agreeing to be Raykit's assistant. But.. at least he wouldn't be opposed to giving the shark fresh flesh from time to time. It would keep the crew from being eaten alive in their sleep too. For the time, he was enjoying himself swimming in the wake of the harbinger, keeping pace rather easily with the brisk, cool, but calm wind pushing the Harbinger along. Though one might observe that the Shark's shorts were hung neatly on the railing of the harbinger's deck.

Kirkis had gone to the stern of the ship thinking of taking a flight with Spera, now that he wasn't so tired from the previous days flight. The orb hovering at his shoulder. The calm wind perfect for flying. Though as he flaps his wings and prepares to take off, the orb would spot thos shorts that was hanging over the railing, causing him to tilt his head to the side in wondering who was out there. Though tempted to go for a swim just as much as a flight, he knows that there is a shark on the ship that is just as likely to be feeding in the water. So opts to go for flight staying above the water while the orb decides to go into the water to explore.

Jobe would surface just around the time that Kirkis' orb would notice his shorts. His tail helping him to launch out of the water and do a full flip before diving back in. oh he was just simply having fun, No feeding, just.. as the land creatures would say, 'stretching his legs.' But then he'd see that orb as it came into the water. He knew it to be Kirkis' and started to swim deeper to avoid its gaze. But alos.. The orb might notice a group of Mermen following at a distance behind the Harbinger, making hand gestures, and motions towards Jobe, and the Harbinger.

Kirkis rolled his eyes behind the cloth as he heard the splash. His energy having caught the male in mid leap to give him an image although blurred from the movent of the shark. He would certainly enjoy his flight for the time being letting the orb do as it pleased. As Spera spots the mermen under water it decides to have a bit of fun with them, flying over to them and circling around causing mini whirlpools near them as it flies in circle. Not to harm of course but more to cause chaos in the water. The elf's own form most likely casting shadows in the water.

Jobe watched the orb shoot off, his eye's narrowing to see faint outlines of men swallowed in light. Oh.. his... Master? Needed to know of this. More men.. Murmen following them. He slipped out of the water, and clutched to the side of the harbinger, climbing his way up with all four limbs before he'd grab into his shorts, and start to change into them. Though he would give a look up at Kirkis, a slight growl eminating from him to see the elf flying. Then went about the short journey just along the deck to see Ray standing there. "Bloodsmith.." he'd mutter, "We have.. buisiness to attend to." a wicked grin coming over his face.

Raykit leaned against the railing, holding onto a necklace in his claw, a short laugh escaped him. "Indeed. I think I may part with you for awhile, the Otter." a grin spreading across his maw, "Yes a 'gift' to the Otter you will be." a cackle escaping him the thought of where this might go. Then there was another voice, he blinked and looked about, noticing Jamison, "Oh you." he'd say flatly, coming out of the conversation he was having with his various objects, "Raykit." he corrected, a short snort. When the question was asked of metal he would fully to face Jamison and take a step forward closer to Jamison, "Possibly, what do you have to offer?" he would ask, tilting his head, always the one to hear an offer out at least. He'd blink catching Jobe calling his attention, "Indeed, but this one." he'd point to Jamison, "Is conducting business. I wish to hear him out."

Kirkis was aware of what was going on the deck of the ship, at least the people that were there. Though for the time being wasn't paying too much attention as the orb continued to toy with the mermen below the water, never getting close enough for them to touch it. The winged one would soon make his way towards the side of the ship where the others are being careful of the sails as he lowers to land near the group. Facing towards Jobe with a tilt of his head. "The mermen certainly seem to be bothered by something, what happened down there?"

Jamison Marshall huffed. He hadn't thought of the other male requiring something in return...probably because sheets of metal were normally a piece of cake for him to get when he was on land. " all honesty I wanted the metals to test my new invention." He'd reveal a rather expensive-looking revolver, tightly built, the color of golden bronze, overall a beautiful weapon to the trained eye...but a trained eye would also notice it seemed a little different from the average revolver. "It's an armor-piercing revolver. It requires special rounds to work properly so I don't intend to use it often. It's made for emergencies, mainly dealing with foes wearing thin armor or for airships with thick balloons such as the ones made in my nation. I could possibly offer you a weapon of your own, a share of my knowledge and current projects...or I could just pay you with a large sum of money."

Jobe looked over at Jami for a second, but his gaze was brought right back to Ray. "We have more followers." Smirking a little bit. "These.. Much more suitable to play with than those silly marines." The shark would grind his teeth a bit, while sure, he'd gotten a bit of fun in the night before; his appetite for exotic flesh was never truely sedated. "Mermen have taken on our trail. They are following what I see as a mere two-hundred yards behind." The shark's fingers were moving around in anxious, jittery clenches of fist. He was hoping Ray might see what he was hoping to do.

Raykit arched a brow as Jamison mentioned revolvers. A disappointed snort left the dragon, "Bah, guns." he'd say rather flatly, a claw waiving a bit, "Not very personal." he'd say, stepping closer to examine the weapon, he'd humm a bit considering Jamison's offer. "I have no need for 'money'..." he'd say, claw tapping his own chin as he pondered, considering something for a moment. With a wicked grin, "Though making these 'guns' might prove useful...." oh he could have fun with these, guns that misfired, or didn't even shoot anything. That'll teach those creatures that would use such things. A short laugh escaping him at the thought, "Teach me how to make 'guns', and you may take the metal you require." he'd state offering a claw out to Jamison, head turning to look at Jobe, "More?" he'd humm, "Indeed, they have properties about them, souls of the ocean and what not. See to it then." he'd nod, giving the shark the permission and approval of what was needed, attention returning to Jamison.

Kirkis found that he was rather ignored at the moment, and gives a soft sigh. Flapping his wings once more to take flight again into the sky. He knows that Jobe is the type to go and kill, and while he won't take sides especially with how the mermen are now trying to attack Spera for causing problems he would tell the orb to expect company. Spera acknowledging what was said and as one of them draws a coral sword to swing at it, the orb glows brightly to pull the sword out of the merman's grip and sends it to float in the water next to it.

Jamison Marshall would watch Kirkis but would let him and the other two deal with the mermen for now. He doubted his own water abilities would be needed by them...or wanted, considering his abilities would either be of incredible use to them, or hardly any use at all. Instead, he'd shake the dragon's claw. "It's a deal then. I will tell you what I can about guns, and you provide the materials to test them out." He'd await the dragon's instructions on where to find the required metals...and then would think about something he should probably ask. "By the way, you don't mind if I use some of your tools to make them capable of remaining vertical, do you? Just in case I need to bore some holes in them to hang them from a mast or something of that sort."

Jobe's grin turned a bit more sisnister as he was given free reign to go after the men. likely.. He'd be in trouble going after mermen alone. The only advantage he held over them was sharp teeth, a thick hide, and incredible speed. "Sounds like a fucking riot!" he'd laugh before taking a step up onto the railing, and then tossing himself over the edge to dive in. Immediately he started to swim out towards the glowing orb causing chaos in the water. His hybrid gill/lung setup allowed him one unique ability; Speach underwater. He called out the Mermen, swmming right at them with a fire in his eyes. The trio of scouts wouldn't be prepared for a shark looking for an exotic meal coming right at them while they were distracted with Kirkis' orb.

Raykit hummed as he listened to Jamison, a short nod given as he shook his hand, "Indeed you may use the tools on the bench, and only the bench. Do not go looking anywhere else. If its not on the bench, and I do not care if its on the ground near it. You will not use it, understood?" he'd speak, lips curling a bit, he didn't need anyone snooping around there. "And if the area is closed off, you don't go inviting yourself in. Only when it is opened and unused." a nod was given as he finished his summary of restrictions. Eyes catching Jobe as he cursed and took off after the mermen. He'd pay him no mind, after all what good was an assistant if they needed his supervision?

Kirkis enjoyed his liesurely flight, not wanting to know what the chaotic orb was up to. The orb in question begins to engage another merman in a sword fight with the sword it had stolen, proving to to be quite the distraction indeed as it kept it's distance from the mermen so they couldn't get close enough while the sword did all the work under it's control.

Jobe came right into the one most unfortunate to not have a sword anymore. Almost right away there was blood in the water, and the howl of bubbles from the unforunate Scout's throat. The shark got a good bite right into the midsection of the man, taking an arm in his mouth to boot. Then swam towards the floor of the ocean into the darkness of the ocean. Only blood, bubbles, bits of flesh, and cloth armor would float up from the darkness. From the depths of the ocean, guarded from light and prying eye's he called out like a monster. "There's a shark in the water..." followed by his laugh reverberating a bit distorted in the water. Likely Kirkis' orb would see all of this, and with his vocals in the water; likely hear him too.

Kirkis- Spera took great enjoyment in being a distraction for the three and when one was completly removed it glows brightly, the one that hadn't het drawn it's sword would begin to swim away as it sees it's friend taken out. The other one foolish enough to stay. Though as the one merman fled, the orb would at least take pity on him and erect a barrier around the male, still allowing him to swim but to go without being harmed, that way he can warn his people.

Jobe swam like a dart through the water at the one that was smart enough to run. oh no.. He didn't want to let any get away, if their people would find their scouts missing, then they would send more their way. But when he was getting ready to grab that one too, he found himself blocked by Kirkis' barrier, blunting his nose which caused him to growl in the water, and look to that Orb. He'd seen this before, shielding; Only types he knew to do that were angelic, 'holy' beings, and mystics. With his prey blocked from him, he'd dart towards the one foolish enough to stay. "You are coming with me!" He growled, hopefully using the distraction of Kirkis' orb 'Spera' to come behind the Man, and take his arms to behind his back. He'd bring this one to the Harbinger, Alive for now...

Kirkis had not gotten involved preferring to not be a part of it. The barrier easily noticeable as blue sphere around the merman, much like the color of the orb. Clearly it wasn't meant to be holy at all, but pity after all. Though it is just as likely that with two of their scouts gone, either more would be sent to rescue the one that got captured, or to attack the ship. Still the elf would make his way to the boat to land on it once more as he is told that the fight is over once the last merman was captured and brought towards the ship. Most likely his sword being dropped only for Spera to bring it with them back up onto the deck.

Yaelth's late to the party. She always is late to the party! When she pops in the femme's simpl curious for what may or may not have been happing. "What's going on?" She'd ask gently

Jobe looked to the orb as he curled one arm around the Merman, having a bit of trouble keeping the man steady as he complained and shouted threats. "Oh don't worry. Your time will come soon enough." the shark smirked, oh the fun he'd have getting every last word of information and then.. disposing of the brave soul who would dare stick around and fight. He'd climb the harbinger, and spot Kirkis. "You... Use your.." he spoke with a sinister tone to him, maybe he wasn't angelic, but typically, 'Magic' user's held the same type of energy as an Angel. Thus 'holy' in his mind. "...just keep him still until I can find some rope." growling at the merman scout. "Move.. and I will personally pull the limbs from your body, and chew of your flesh infront of you." Jobe looked to Yae, gazing up and down the Otter. "I've caught this fool scouting our ship. The other got away." glaring at the sphere of Kirkis', but didn't mention the third that he'd let bleed out in the ocean. One that he would leave as a reminder for any that dared to follow since the man's body would eventually float upwards.

Kirkis gives a soft sigh as he reaches into the pouch at his side. "I had nothing to do with what went on down there. I can't see underwater as it blocks off my sight." He states calmly as he pulls out a seed to send a pulse of energy into it and places it on the merman's shoulders. Where a single seed was, soon is a rather sturdy vine that wraps around the merman keeping him pinned in tight. "I do not have much love though for those that dare to attack me or what's mine." He states calmly as he is protective of the orb, even if he knows it can protect itself. Turning to face Yaelth and giving a bow of his head. "Good evening miss."

Yaelth bobs her head "Yaelth, miss was my mum. I'm not a miss. Anything I can do to help?" She was eying the merman witj a sort of detached intrest. She's trying to look at him good and proper, was he all scales, half furre half fish? Half man half fish!? What was going on. "You want I should scope the waters for more?"

Jobe shook his head a bit to Yae, "No.. For now.. I think we are just fine." He'd find comfort in the Elf boy's binding. "How long will this last? Long enough to get what I need from him?" taking his handed foot, and grasping it around the Merman's throat so he'd shut his mouth, followed by that thick, strong tail coming down into the man's stomach. "Shut, your mouth." He had ways to get the man to quiet up if he chose to keep running it with threats and catcalls at the Otter. That.... oh he was going to enjoy torturing this man. "Tell me.. Yae was it. How would you feel on.. helping me gather information." A violent little smirk coming on his face.

Kirkis gives a soft sigh. "It will last until I leave the ship, the vines are tied to my magic." He states softly, not bothering to pay much attention to the words. "For my sake, when you do kill him, please try to make it quick, I know how you would prefer to toy with him." He states calmly before giving a bow of his head to Yaelth. "Tis a pleasure, I am Kirkis." He states warmly before heading off to see if Ray and Jami were still on deck not wanting to participate in the torture.

Yaelth stares, there had been a lot of rude things her way hadn't there? The otter also had a fair bit of steam to blow off. "Eh, I got time why not?" The otter grins over at Jobe. "Depends on whatcha mean though! Welp let's get to this?" She thumps her tail here and there.

Jobe smriks a bit as she saw Yae react to the threats and rude, overly sexual catcalls towards Yae from the captured merman. "Oh yes.. Let us." he'd lean over the captured murman, picking him up off the ground to toss him off the raised platform to hit the ground with no assistance from his hands to break the fall. "Why are you following us?" He'd ask, the first of many crucial question's he'd gather from the man under whatever terms it took to gain them. The shark would move to stand on the edge of the raised platfrom, waiting for a response.

Jobe looked back to Yae for only a moment after he threw the captured Merman to the deck, watching the man bash his head on the deck and leave a bloody imprint of where his head hit. -"Go fuck yourself."- he'd reply, where the shark would jump down, and press his foot right into the man's chest, "I'll ask again. Why, are you following us?" Placing hands behind his back in a almost buisinessman thinking sort of way. -"Give me that slut and i-"- The shark twisted his hips as the man spoke, and, with that movement, brought the side of his foot to conect with the man's head. Kicking him hard enough to spin him on the deck. "I would advise you to not speak to her this way." Wow.. A bit defensive for a girl he'd only met once before, and noticed once before which had honestly made him laugh.

Jobe pulled the woman off of him with a grin and a laugh, putting himself between the man and her, and using arms and tail behind him to keep her from getting around him. He watched the man spit blood onto the deck, and saw how messed up his face was from the woman's claws. And the way his bare chest was already showing bruises. He laughed again. "Yae, I think he learned his lesson." he'd turn his attention to the Merman, "Now.. Answer my question. Give me what I need and I will make it quick. Spout more threats.. and you will rue the day you took this job." Smriking as he looked back to Yae, "I'll let her have you." grinning in hopes that the man would learn his lesson, or make another condescending joke. Jobe grinned wider when the man spat out to the Shark. -"Oh, I'll have her, and she'll come back for more."- At that, the shark dropped his arms, and moved aside to let Yae at him. "Big mistake." he'd chuckle, and cross his arms, nodding to Yae.

Jamison Marshall would have been down on the lower section of the deck hanging some metal sheets from the ropes when he'd hear the commotion up at the stern. Curious, he'd walk up to the stern and face the merman, then the other two. "What's going on up here?" he'd ask simply.

Yaelth has to stop herself from launching at him again. "I can't stay for this." She said, covered in the male's blood. "I'll kill himbefore you can get anything out of him." She offeres with a fould little lift of her tail. "I Tag Jamison in." She starts.

Jobe turned his gaze to Jamison, glaring at the male, "We are.. gathering information." The shark would grin a bit, a sinister, obviously cruel intention in his eyes. He figured that would be enough for him to know that his speaking of being followed earlier had come to capturing one of them that followed. "And.. He thinks that our dear Yae." reaching out to hug the woman and nuzzle her cheek as the treasured crew she was. Even if he didn't know her that well, he had to act good for the captured fool. "is a slut.." He'd state, trying to rile the mans blood into giving some pain to the captured merman.

Yaelth looks confused, was she just nuzzled? The bloodied femme wrinkles her nose andmubles something about being awkward. "I can't stay I'll kill him." Her pride was a nasty, nasty thing. When let go she shakes her head. "I'll be beneath the hull trying to clean my fur."

Raykit came up deck from below. Originally planning on just catching some fresh air. A loud yawn escaped him as he went insticevly towards the railing he was so fond of. Trinkets rattled as he moved, a short 'indeed' was given to them as he was stretched, wings extending to their full length before tucking neatly behind his back. Then there was the sound further up deck, with a blink and arched brow he would head further up deck spotting the gathering around some bloodied form. A frown crossed his features, having forgotten about Jobe's adventure, had something happened on deck? Was the crew already turning on each other. A short laughed escaped him on that last thought. "Whats going on here?" he'd asking yelling as he approached.

Jamison Marshall would look over to Ray. "Not really sure. It seems this merman is messing with Yae's feelings and they want me, for some reason, to teach him a lesson. Not sure they understand how I do things in regards to torture though. Of course..." He'd move to stand over the merman, then bend down to look at him, smirking a little. "That doesn't mean I'm still a total pacifist, I have an itch for a certain skill of mine that I've been wanting to use for a loooooong time..."

Jobe looked up to Ray as he arrived, "Oh good.." he'd grin some, looking between his.. Master of sorts to the captured merman, tied by Kirkis' vines so he couldn't move. "Bloodsmith.. Meet our little friend, sharkbait." giving a sinister laugh as he'd let Yae go, and whisper in her ear, "I may need you soon.. You might gain the satisfaction of taking the pulse from his heart." giving her bum a little pat to go on and clean herself before he'd turn to the situation. His handed foot would grip to the Merman's chin, and push down into him so his gaze would be directed to the sharks. "Tell me.. Now, Why are your people following us?" Finally, the man broke. Jobe -"The Royal Navy hired us, if you were to find.. what you were looking for, we were to take it."- A sigh left the shark, and he'd let go of the man's chin and neck. "Good.. Good.. How many strong are you? It will take many more than three to take even me down.." Grinning down at the man who spurted, -"Go fuck yourself, you got what you wanted. Now give me that fine ass, or kill me!"- The shark would laugh, looking between the fleeing Yae, Ray, and Jami, debating on what to do; But killing him now.. Oh no, there was still more to learn.

Yaelth swats the hell out of the male's hand for reaching for her rear and gives him a very, very dark look that could only be one of warning. A brow quirks afterwards and she offers a short nod before waddling out of sight like the short little shit she was. YOu know, before she really lost it.

Raykit waited and watched, watched Jamison approached the man, Jobe extract some information, and the otter waddle off. A short snort escaped him, his eyes narrowing as he finally stepped up the stair well. "Subtely is lost on you." he'd comment looking at Jobe, "What happens in private and..." claw gesturing across the deck, "public are two different things." a digit waving at Jobe, "We will discuss the finer points later." a sigh as he looked to Jamison, claw gesturing towards Jobe, "I am sure you have many assistants and know how hard it is to get them on the same page as you." he'd humm claw coming to tap his chin, "What is this you were going to try?" he'd ask, Jamison. The merman beneath his attention for the time being.

Jamison Marshall would smile, cooing as he did...which was rather unlike him, and a little creepy. "Actually, I only have one assistant and she thinks rather highly of me. On top of that, she's a surprisingly fast learner..." He'd give the merman a once-over. "As for that ability...let's just say, I control water in all its forms, although ice is generally difficult without a source. Most of us humanoids are water-based, so Mermen, well...they aren't just composed of it, they <i>live</i> in it too. Imagine what I can do if I just...-" he twists his hand a little. "-tweak his body or brain a little..." Who knew Jamison, the pacifist, had a cruel side?

Jamison Marshall would grin and coo again. His left hand would make a pinching motion over the merman's arm, and the merman would start clenching his muscles in pain, cringing and groaning in agony. Then Jami would decide to get clever and add some amusement. He'd set a finger on the merman's head and start tracing slow circles...and the merman's cries for him to stop would get...weird. "Stop! Please! It hurts! I need a door to card pancakes! Maybe, Steve the Broadsword! Shaarrooooon!" Jamison would chuckle. If there was anything he knew about the brain, it was that if you tweaked it right, the words that came out of your mouth would be actual words...but they'd only make sense to the person saying them! Jamison Marshall: Once the merman said "I have a tiny dick" however (which would cause the nd up blushing madly), he'd hum and turn off the wordplay. "I think you need to try a little harder, buddy, you're only embarrassing yourself!" With that, he'd stop the torture for now unless told to do more.

Jobe watched Ray look towards him, he knew what Ray had meant, but in truth.. The shark lived off the chaos at times. And moments like this.. He wasn't about to be cooped up in a confined space where he couldn't use his strength to throw one around. After all.. jobe had picked a fight with Ray without hesitation infront of Dawson. Subtlty.. No he had very little of that. He listened to Jami, pacing some side to side of the Merman while he listened, only to see the man coil in pain, begging to make the pain in his brain go away. -"Please! Please stop! I'll talk! I'll talk!"- Jobe hoped to make an impression that would ease his time, even if he did enjoy this. "I'm sorry, Did anyone understand him?" Tilting his head curiously to Jami and Ray. The shark wasn't fucking around, he'd get what information he wanted.

Raykit's claw tapped his chin once more, considering what was going on. Ever the diligent supervisor of sorts. A short laugh escaping him as he took in the scene, "Indeed." he'd comment to no one in particular, getting lost in his own thoughts once more. He'd point to Jamison, watching whatever trick there might of been, "More." a simple flat word of encouragement given. Eye's narrowing as he looked at Jobe, "I did not hear him at all." was given in reply, "Nor will I until it has something more to say." a claw was waved in Jamison's direction as to say 'proceed'. Tail flicking back and forth in anticipation

Jobe would laugh some with the man's unintelligable words. But when Jami stopped his torture, the shark would press a single claw deep into the side of the man, and start to curl the claw within his flesh as Jami stopped. "Now tell us.. How many strong are you." The man hesitated for a minute, but the pain must have been getting to him, -"80. Please.. No more."- the Merman nearly to the point of tears. But jobe didn't remove that single toe-claw. "How will they know if we are successful? Do you have spies?" he'd ask the man, who wouldn't speak up anymore. So that claw would be curled within the man, tearing through his body. -"I.. I don't know! i'm just a scout!"- He looked up at Ray, "Do we believe him?" not said, but given through a look to his master of sorts.

Raykit continued to watch on, claw playing with some of his trinkets as he watched Jamison, a grin coming on the corner of his muzzle. "Fascinating." he'd comment softly, a short laugh escaping him. "Its... cute. Though I wonder if it could be directed with purpose?" he'd ask, looking to Jamison with a bit of a quizzical look. His attention would be returned to Jobe once he started his work again, he'd humm a bit as the merman confessed to having 80 about he would nod a bit, when Job looked at him, he would turn and look to the ocean thinking a bit, "I wonder if it has anything else we should know about?" he'd humm returning his attention back to Jobe, "Would it know how well armed, how far out, and who among the navy is employing them? Then I might be interested in talking to it." he'd finish that last bit with a snort, "Until then, I think both Jamison and yourself should carry on." he'd finish, turning to look at the waters.

Jamison Marshall would answer the dragon without looking at him, his intention being to intimidate the merman. "Sadly, I cannot force him to divulge what we want to hear. That would require a mind-reader, otherwise brain surgery would have become a part of interogation by someone out there a very long time ago. All I am capable of doing is messing with his head." At this point he'd look to the dragon, appearing to accept reality as it is. "Anything more and we might screw up his memory or something even more serious, possibly for good, and at that point we might as well kill him. I'd rather avoid that. That said..." He'd turn back to the merman. "I'm not above maiming someone who is so disrespectful toward women that they'd even do it while in a position such as this. It requires some real stupidity, the kind of person who doesn't even try to get along, to make me feel no remorse. Congratulations buddy," he'd say, tapping the merman on the head. "You officially pissed me off. Jamison Marshall: "I hope someone in your life has said your attitude will get you killed, because chances are, it just did."

Jobe agree'd with Jamison, "Oh yes.. You will die. Your friends have abandoned you to me, one of them.. Dead because of you, and your people. It would be best of you.. to give The Bloodsmith what he asked of you." The claw in the mans side would curl more to spur him on. -"T..they.. Have swords, and tridents.. I... I.. Believe they.. a..are following behind distance.. I'm.. Ahh!"- he'd howl as jobe curled his claw in more, and finally penetrated the mans kidney. "How.. far.." Jobe would ask, -"Two thousand yards! Thats how far I swam to follow you!"- A smirk would come over him, and he'd pull his claw from inside the man, -"I.. I promise.. I don't know anymore.. Please stop.. Please.. Kill me."-

Raykit nodded a bit to Jamison's words, watching those calm waters, "Thats unfortate. There could of been so much more use out of that." he'd shrug, "Regardless what I have seen so far has potential, that goes for you both." he'd turn slowly looking to Jamison, "I enjoy seeing your work with water, I shall like to see it another time..." he'd humm looking to Jobe, "And of course the brute, forced pain so great." he'd laugh lightly, looking to the merman, "Ah yes, then there is you. Making request. 'please kill me'..." he'd speak in a mocking tone, "I hardly think you are in position to make request." a short laugh, as he made a motion for Jobe to pick up the merman, "You see, I had an idea." a short laugh escaping him, "A silver ring with a beautiful sapphire inlay." a genuine smile crossing his maw, eyes closing as he imagine the ring, "One that... slowly over time, its wearer would feel the sinsation of drowning." Raykit a short laugh escaping him as he opened his eyes, "And that requires a water elemental... or the soul of one who dwelled a significant amount of time in water...." kneeling down to look at the merman, "like yourself." a claw coming to pat him on the head, "Rejoice! You'll be part of art." another manic laugh escaping him as he stood and started walking off. Motioning for Jobe to follow. A verse coming to mind, "...water shall seek vengeance for the evil that twisted its very soul..."

Jamison Marshall's smile would falter a little. At first he held no remorse, but now this man was begging for his life. Most people of this type didn't do that, at least in his experience. In fact, they usually died before giving what info this man did. Hopefully the dragon wouldn't be too harsh on him, perhaps sedate him or something before mutilating his body...either way, he'd probably be dropping a frozen rose off the back of the ship tonight

Jobe smirked a little bit more when Ray spoke of liking what he'd seen from the Shark. Oh he did have his moments... "Thank you.. Master." He'd mutter quietly. A dark gaze going down to the floor at the man as the dragon spoke to him, and hinted to his future. "You heard him, Rejoice!" Growling down at the man who started balling in tears. A simple scout was too easy to break for the shark, he wanted someone who's fear would really be worth the effort. Jobe laughed rather heartless to the man before he'd lean down, and hoist him up over his shoulder to follow behind Ray, not giing a second look to Jami as he still had buisiness to attend to.

Raykit headed below deck, a soft rather joyful hum escaping him. Once down stairs he would head right to his bench. He'd point to the anvil, "Throw him on it." he'd say simply, claws pulling various items from the work bench. A dagger, a silver ring with no gem. With a strong claw hitting the work bench, a small box would come down from beneath it. Leaning down to pick it up, he would place it up on the bench, a look over his shoulder before whispering at the box. With a click, the box would open inside many gems. Humming escaping him once more as a claw riffled through the box. finding the right sapphire he would hold it up to the candle light admiring it for a moment. Pulling jewler's tools out, he would take a moment to set the gem. "We will bind him to the ring." he stated finally, bringing the shark into what was occuring. "You will bare witness." looking over his shoulder, "An honor, where I come from." he'd stress.

Jobe licked his lips a little bit as he walked down to the workshop, and upon Ray's direction would flop the male atop the anvil. Then step back as Ray pulled something out, averting his eye's to the Gems to show it wasn't something he was interested in. Only when ray started speaking again did he look back to his master, and nod. "Yes Master, Thank you." He'd nod, taking one step forward and to the side so he could get a good view of everything that would occur. "May I ask questions as things progress?" Wanting to see beforehand if he was able to pipe up about things he was confused on; If any arose.

Raykit nodded a bit as he continued his work, once the ring was set he would take a moment to examine it carefully. Slowly putting it down. A small black bowl was taken, and offered to Jobe to grab. His other claw grabbing the dagger he pulled out earlier. "Indeed. You may." he spoke with a nod, giving permission. Once Jobe accepted the bowl, he would give instruction, "You are to gather what comes out. With that he would hover over the merman, "Now, this first part is the easiest part." he would state, a small smile crossing his maw, dagger held to the cheek of the merman, "I just need a bit of blood." with that he would run the dagger across the man's cheek standing then to let Jobe collect it. "Once you have a bit bring it to me. With that he wold place the dagger on the bench, and start looking for some small engraving tools.

Jobe watched the Merman squirm as the progress went along, making quite a ruccus. "Enough of that!" He'd growl, and smack the backside of the merman's head hard enough to shut him up for the time being. The shark nodded, paying attention and taking the black bowl which he would then move to hold under the man's cheek as that dagger was brought along the man's cheek. "Yes Master." he'd nod, but as the man started to squirm and speak more, the shark gave a fiesty growl into the man's ear. "Shut.. Your.. Mouth.." he'd say again, watching the bowl fill. "Bloodsmith? How much of a bowl do you need?" So far it had only filled about an eighth of the way, but it was rising rapidly.

Raykit would humm for a minute, "A quarter should be fine." he would say simply, findings the set of tools. He would place them out on the bench where he could work with them later. Turning to face the shark and the merman. Watching a bit. Brow arched at the last master comment, just noticing how often he had been saying that of late. A short laugh escaped him, shaking his head, he started to think he might like that, though wasn't sure. With a humm, and tap of the work bench, "That should be enough." he'd state finally. Reaching for the dagger once more and gathering a second bowl, he would cut his own palm open. Squeezing it in a fist, he would drain a bit of his own blood into the second bowl. About the same amount he required of the merman. Once there was enough, eh would open his palm for the shark. The cut simply being there but not bleeding. A grin on his maw, "I might teach you this one day." he stated.

Jobe licked his lips still with the smell of blood in the air. All the chaos.. and where his mind had been all day.. Oh a fresh meal was sounding good.. and he was tempted to make one of the Merman, especially being so close to his fear drenched blood, enough so that he got distracted, and would only snap out of it to the click of that claw, and the mention that it was good enough. He stood up straight, and would nod, putting the bowl of blood down where Ray's claw had tapped on the workbench. Jobe watched Ray, the cutting of his own hands before squeezing the same amount of blood into the second bowl. But his brow lifted when Ray showed his palms no longer bled. "Oh yes.. That would come in handy." A few thoughts had come to him, remembering when he'd first watch ray cut his palms, and hadn't noticed that his palms had stopped bleeding when the orb was filled. Connections being made that only were now coming along.

Raykit grinned as the first bowl was returned, "Will and control, but two steps of being something greater." turning back to the bench he would grab the engraving tools and dip them in the blood of the merman, "The blood becomes familar with the object." he'd state engraving runes on the inside of the ring. Humming a bit as he worked. "I'm drowning and you are stealing every breath." he'd state, speaking a loud the words written on the inside. Inspecting his work he would blow softly on the inside, the words disappearing completley. On the outside he would begin again, "These words I will not speak a loud." he'd state moving on, though this time he used the second bowl, his own blood, rather than the mermans.

Jobe tilted his head a bit as he watched Ray go on, Sometimes.. He thought at times.. Maybe he was being spoken to, but then.. he seemed like he was just talking. It had him curious. He'd lean in a bit, not too much to intrude on Ray's space, but enough that he could watch the blood disappear into nowhere it seemed. Then.. watched him do the same to the outside with another curious hike of his brow. It didn't slip his mind to notice the difference in the uses of blood, though.. in his distraction of the clouded mind of hunger, he couldn't remember which was which. He just watched, nodding along as he spoke to mentally gather a bigger picture.

Raykit nodded as he continued with his work. Once finished he would blow again softly on the ring, the runs disappearing. Once it was finished he would stand up, grabbing the dagger. He'd kneel down infront of the merman, holding the ring for his gaze in one claw the dagger in the other. "Now, the unfun part... for you at least." with that he offered the ring out for Jobe, "Hold this." he'd state, once the ring was gone, he would start carving symbols into the merman's flesh, provoking screams and cursing, where needed he would pin the man against the anvil to do his work. "Spirit lives in flesh as needed, and when the time has come will pass on into metal forever to witness the world." he'd humm, "Cursing those who behold the ring to know the pain of drowning..." once the last run was finished with those words the knife would swiftly come across the man's neck, "forever in a sea of their own blood." gesturing for the ring again. Once it was handed back he would shove it into the wound across the man's neck. Dropping the dagger to keep it all in place.

Jobe blinked some as he was caught off guard, taking the ring from Ray as he was asked, and then watched intently with another lick of his lips to seeing all the blood being opened to all the symbols being carved here and there. But then.. The slice of that neck.. That got him a little mad, all this work for the merman, and now.. he was dying; and not at Jobe's own hands. It got a little growl for him, only to move along with Ray's motioning to give the ring back. Only to.. watch it be shoved into the wound. He looked down, watching the face of the man as his hands would come to the side's of his cheeks, forcing him to look up at the shark who just grinned.. and grinned and licked his lips. Only to mouth, "Your friends are next." not wanting to speak and mess up Ray's work just for a rise of fear in the mans blood. Even if he wouldn't get to eat from this man because of Ray being the killer; he would still enjoy the scent of fear in the air.

Raykit smiled as the man's life ended. "And so we conclude." he'd glance up to Jobe as he stood pulling the ring from the wound. He'd examine it for a moment, another blow was given softly to the ring. The ring abosrbed the blood and it disappeared. With that he would slowly wrap the ring around a court that hung from his form. Patting it once it was done, "And there we are." he looked back to JObe, "Don't be upset. It is the way of greater things." he'd chuckle softly, "The corpse is yours at this point... don't know what you might do with it. Food is food, yes?" he'd ask tilting his head, not really knowing.

Jobe gave Ray a look that seemed like he was about to strike, his fists curling, and a snarl coming of his lips. "No.. Food is only food when one has killed it with his own hands." The shark took the limp body, and tossed it out the hatch that he had once been tossed out of. A sinster look coming over him as his head reeled back. In this hungered state.. he almost looked possesed. "He'll make a nice gift to those 80 in the morning." A laugh escaping him as he'd close the hatch, and then glare down at a spot in the fore of the ship where those men where held. Oh he could just go to town on one of them now.. but he knew Ray had bigger plans for them. "Is that all you require of me Bloodsmith?"

Raykit's eyes narrowed as he watched the sharks behavior, "I may yet have an idea to control your hunger, at cost." he snorted starting to head towards the crew quarters, "Clean the mess up. You may drink whatever blood is left if you desire." he said pointing to the bowls. "Mine might be a bit much." he'd warn, "And make you sickely. So I warn against it." he'd head over to his fur pile, thinking on the rest of the evening.

(Fade to Black)

Moderators: Nocturnal Aymen (played by PaganSpirit) Sofey Eristis (played by Lionheart) Nykita Aymen (played by Nykita)