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Neon Age takes place in New York City, about the year 2100. Given the close political relationship the North American countries have, both American and Canadian currency is accepted and flow between the borders is fairly easy - if you're not a mutt.

As most cities are in the developed world, it is a sprawling mega-metropolis that swallowed up surrounding townships over time as the urban population grew. While advances in technology have improved public transit the commute around the city is still quite a process, especially in the inner city.

Where you live is a good indication of your social status. In Neon Age the higher you live the higher social standing you have. Mostly it's wealthy humans that occupy the towering skyscrapers that loom over the poor and high-content mutts that eke out a life in the cramped housing below.

Dazzling neon displays and advertisements are no longer restricted to Times Square and flood much of the streets and upper walkways of the city. Capitalism is still very much the way of the world with advertisements around every corner, present on just about every form of media. There's always something bigger, better, longer lasting and YOU need it.

All citizens, human and hybrid alike, are implanted with a sub-dermal chip soon after birth. This chip contains all relevant information to the person including species, birth information, insurance, medical records, criminal records and more and takes the place of passports, drivers licenses etc.

In addition to consolidated records, Big Brother has a heavy presence in day to day life. Surveillance is commonplace particularly in the city core, and it's not just safe to assume you're being watched, it's essential. Still, for all the government's efforts criminals and technophiles are a crafty sort and manage to stay a step ahead.

An obsession with surveillance isn't the only caveat with Neon Age's government. Corporate interference runs rampant and the phrase everything is legal if you can afford it rings true. Corporations influence lawmakers to legislate in their favour and in turn line politicians' pockets with the same money garnered from the very activities they lobby for. The government doesn't have your best interests at heart - they have theirs.

Manhattan is not unlike it's present-day counterpart in spirit, but visually has dramatically changed. The region has spilled over into portions of Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx and the majority of the East and Harlem rivers have been built over. Manhattan is easily the most recognizable area in NYC with massive luxury condominiums towering into the sky, many of which are self-contained communities with indoor recreation. Pedestrian walkways and elevated transit rails spider-web between the towers, allowing residents (almost entirely if not exclusively human) to travel between them without ever having to venture into the shaded streets below. The architecture is elegant and functional, and cutting-edge technology is commonplace.

While Central Park is still very much in existence, though now domed to protect it from pollution and severe weather, green space is still rather limited. The solution to that was to use vertical space much like for housing and so there are multiple multi-storey indoor gardens called eco-towers located throughout New York. Some are free, others require a fee.

The Seawall
Along the coastline of Queens and Brooklyn a seawall was built as sea-levels rose. The seawall is bridged to the mainland in several areas along its stretch with worker housing on-shore. As hybrids came onto the scene and freed from captivity labour was, and for the most part still is, the only employment available to them. As such the workforce that maintains the seawall and adjacent structures is almost entirely hybrids and synthetics.

The Bronx
The Bronx is home to several corporate compounds, one each belonging to Oberon Labs and Massive Dynamic among several others. The compounds are self-contained communities not unlike the Towers in Manhattan, but these have the outdoor green space Manhattan and the towers lack. The compounds house company employees, provide commercial outlets including grocery, and of course the workplace itself. Many of these compounds belong to science-based corporations (synthetics, biomedical, aether research). Inhabitants are free to come and go as they please but the intention with these self-contained communities is to keep their employees close.

As Manhattan expanded, more luxury and middle-class housing was built out into Queens and Brooklyn. While these buildings closely resemble the Towers and other modern architecture in the downtown core many affluent citizens upturned their nose at these new projects as they bordered less desirable real estate such as the seawall and surrounding dilapidated neighbourhoods. As a result their value decreased, allowing the middle class and even some hybrids lucky enough to make such a living to attain housing formerly reserved only for the wealthy. Of course, with decreased market value comes reduced maintenance services, so these neighbourhoods aren't quite the glimmering gems they were intended to be.

Rather similar to Queens, but the expansion of luxury condos did not extend as far. The majority of Brooklyn is a haven for those at odds with the law which tends to look the other way if it means they don't get their hands dirty. Many hybrids, rogue synthetics and trans-dimensionals call Brooklyn their home. The Farm is a sizable and popular night club that caters specifically to hybrids and similar societal outcasts.

Staten Island
Back in the height of the aether craze Oberon Labs built large facility on Staten Island dedicated to exploration of alternate dimensions and aether's applications. Their headliner project was a portal system that used another dimension to shortcut from Point A to Point B. During the first test the rift between Earth and AD-745-6 destabilized and imploded. The resulting aetheric shockwave leveled the complex and damaged the surrounding area significantly.

Following this disaster and the outlawing of trans-dimensional experimentation Oberon Labs abandoned their Staten Island facility, leaving it to ruin. The area never fully recovered and crime moved into the area. In present-day the island is home to outlaws and criminals and is a hotbed for black market dealing.
Groups, Gangs, Companies

and Other Organizations

These are not the only groups in existence and you are welcome to create your own. These are just the most prominent and well-known groups in the Greater NYC area.

Mutt Militia
An activist group of hybrids that often times acts more like a gang. Sick and tired of skulking in the shadows and being treated like monsters and second class citizens, MM has grown to be the most active and vocal hybrid rights activist group. Common tactics include vandalism, viral campaigns and protests that usually turn violent. The name 'Mutt Militia' was not their own branding and was the moniker given to them by the media to undermine them.

Traditionally MM only advocated for hybrids but in recent years synthetic rights has begun to take a place in their manifesto. There is a small handful of androids in their ranks but MM is still primarily a hybrid-dominated group.

Oberon Labs
A science and tech industry juggernaut. They went heavy into aether and trans-dimensional research in the early years of its discovery and is the biggest contributor to the industry. Since the outlawing of trans-dimensional and teleportation sciences Oberon has turned its attention to the biomedical and biosecurity fields.

In a world where money can buy just about everything, including the government, Oberon doesn't seem like the type to let silly laws get in the way of their ambition.

Massive Dynamic
Much reference, such creative.
Inspired by a vintage television show, the founders of Massive Dynamic aspired to be the leader in science and technology. Today Massive Dynamic is the leading manufacturer of Artificial Intelligence and synthetics in North America and Europe, and is a competitor of Oberon Labs.

A far-reaching crime syndicate with many arms and many employees. It primarily deals in black market transactions rather than money laundering or drug trafficking but they do have a place in the organization. Squidnet also encompasses an encrypted, anonymous network not unlike TOR used to coordinate operations and otherwise communicate. Attempts to infiltrate and shut the Squidnet network down have thus far proven unsuccessful.

Humana Firma
Originally a Singularist movement against the development of complex Artificial Intelligence in an effort to delay the singularity. Since the emergence of hybrids into society Humana Firma's focus has shifted to human supremacy and staunchly enforces the one drop rule: you're either 100% human or you're just an animal.

A relatively small group of people that are against Artificial Intelligence. While in the past Singularist efforts were intended not to stop or delay the Singularity but to ensure it was beneficial to humans when it happened, modern Singularists hold the belief that it will bring mankind's destruction.
Laws and Legislation

We can assume most laws we have today exist in Neon Age though some might be altered to fit the times. Here are some laws and whatnot that are new and need to be defined.

Trans-dimensional teleportation
After a series of disasters worldwide involving other dimensions and related experimentation that particular field of science has been all but shuttered. What technology that existed that involved opening portals into other dimensions also became illegal but plenty of it still exists in private collections and the black market.

Teleportation research that involved wormholing through other dimensions is now illegal, leaving aether the only solution.

Aether Abuse
Mages are technically legal but there are restrictions on what they can do with aether. Aether may not be used on another human being, used to interfere with anything that may cause harm to others, cause vandalism, obstruct the law/commit crime, or violate trans-dimensional laws. In short, mages are restricted to little more than parlor tricks.

Hybrid Segregation
Depending on their 'content' (how many animal traits they express) hybrids are not permitted in certain areas, buildings, and transit lines in Manhattan. Medium to high-content hybrids can be segregated to certain train cars or outright refused entry based on 'health concerns' in much the same way pets are not permitted. Many are refused services in businesses, and this exists even beyond Manhattan.

Most tower communities will also bar hybrids from entry unless a resident accompanies them, but low-content hybrids have an easier time slipping through the cracks.

Synthetic Ownership
Synthetics - robots and androids - have almost no rights or freedoms. They can be bought, sold and discarded as their owners please. A synthetic legally cannot own anything and anything in their possession legally belongs to whoever owns them. However, there is a growing number of humans and hybrids that sympathize with synthetics and seek to win rights for them.

Not all synthetics are owned. Some are rogue or simply 'free' either because their owners didn't take them to the depot for recycling/resale or depot workers turned them loose out of pity.