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  • Main Rules
      - The Mods have final word, please listen to them.

      - If you have a personal problem with anyone involved in the group, please keep it to PMs. If there is any issue of harrassment, please take that to the appropriate RPR admins.

      - We do not tolerate hate speech towards any race, religion, or orientation.

      - Treat others as you would like to be treated.

    RP Specific Rules
      - Please keep IC and OOC seperate.

      - We do not ask that your writing be perfect, or that you submit a huge amount of words per post. All we ask is for quality and that you contribute enough for others to reply to. Please don't reply to a multi-paragraph post with a single sentence, and please at least proof-read your posts for typos before posting.

      - No auto-hitting, no god-moding, no power playing. Do not control other people's characters without explicit permission from the owner of that character.

      - No sexual RP will be permitted on this forum, not even in the brothel. It can be implied - there can be dirty jokes, flirting, whatever - but it can NOT be roleplayed out in public.

    Time Era / Magic
      - This group is set in roughly the mid 1700's and the technology and appropriate attire for characters reflects this.

      - Technology reflects the time era. Flintlock rifles, etc.

      - Magic and mythological creatures are allowed in this group, but In Character, magic is frowned on and seen as dangerous and unknown. Magical creatures would most definitely have to worry about being attacked out of fear. You will not find fairies and vampires traipsing openly down the street.