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  • ryne_crest_small_by_freejayfly-d8pocg2.pngHello there and welcome to the Ryne group page! Ryne is a very diverse world that was created by both FreeJayFly and Netherweave from the early stages of their romantic relationship all the way up until now. While Ryne is a creation between both users, it is in a constant state of improvement with each day that goes by as we attempt to expand and improve upon it and everything that we have implemented thus far. We are happy to role play with a lot of other people, and we would be super happy to accept anyone into the group that seems to enjoy the idea of our world.

    Before hitting that join button, please look around the rest of the group space! Just about everything is public access! The only things that are not are the forums and the threads! Those are only available to members. However, we would really appreciate if you would look at our rules, the settings, and other various, basic things that make Ryne what it is! Make sure that Ryne is something that you are indeed interested in before hitting that join button! It would be a shame to have such wonderful role players join the group and never seem to RP in our forums or contribute to the world.

    Keep in mind! We are very open minded individuals, and we are very lenient with a lot of things! Our goal in mind is to keep things fun and inclusive for anyone that would be interested!
  • Rules

    General Rules

    • No being rude to other members. This should go without saying. If you and another member do not get along, just ignore each other! You do not have to go and interact or role play with one another if you do not wish to!
    • There will be zero tolerance for discrimination of any kind, and the use of strong, derogatory slurs will be met once with a warning. The second time will earn you a temporary ban -- of which you choose to come back or not. The third strike is permanent, and you will be blocked from the group and admins' friend's lists to ensure no further contact is made.
    • Settle disagreements civilly, please! Many people have many opinions, and not everyone is going to have the same opinion of certain subjects. If things are personal please move your disagreements to PM instead! No one wants to see anyone's dirty laundry!
    • Make the attempt to not derail certain topics, please! It is disrespectful to the person that made the topic, and perhaps they are looking for something in general. If a topic goes too far out of the original subject matter, it might be locked for no longer being relevant.
    • Please do not argue with the admins or moderators or make personal attacks toward them. If there are things that you disagree with, please let us know rather than outright being hostile! We will attempt to rectify anything that might be out of line on our behalf!

    Role Playing Rules

    • No power playing! This is also referred to as 'god moding' or 'god modding'. Overall, this means that you should not describe what you would have the other character do, what hits them, or what they dodge -- whatever the setting is. This is a rule that has been mentioned by RPR themselves, though it is reiterated here because we will not tolerate by the admins of this group.
    • Please do not take character personalities personally! Another thing that has been mentioned by the general RPR guidelines. Characters are their own identities created by the players. Just because a character is mean or nasty does not mean that the person playing them is!
    • Please do not force other role players to do anything they do not wish of their character! It is very uncomfortable for players to be forced to do certain things with their characters if that is not how their character was made initially. Have respect for the player and their creation.

    Character Rules

    • The world of Ryne has set races within its setting. Races that have not been mentioned will have little to no place on Ryne, so please, please, please keep this in mind. You can find an incomplete list of races on Ryne here if you are interested!
    • Races on Ryne have a chart where it shows what race is compatible with one another in terms of... well... making children. This is not up yet, though will be made publicly available once we have gotten the compatibility chart completed! If you have any questions about what races can make children with one another, do not hesitate to ask either FreeJayFly or Netherweave about it!
    • Please do not try to add more races or suggestions to races to what is available in Ryne. Both FreeJayFly and Netherweave have literally spent from after the first two months of their romantic relationship in October of 2010 till now fleshing out races and continents for Ryne. The races available are set in stone, and nothing is going to get added or removed from that list.
    • If your character is problematic in any fashion (i.e. they were created that way -- they were created to be hated and do unforgivable things), please mention that for any users that would be uncomfortable with those kinds of things! These things include extreme violence, abusive, sexual predatory, racist, etc. Anything that is commonly seen as a problem, please let others know, or make it evident in your character's profile! We do not want role players playing out of their comfort zone unknowingly! If you fail to adhere to this rule, we will remove you from the group! Having a character that is problematic is one thing, and it is allowed -- but please do not force them onto people that would be uncomfortable with them!

    Rules will be added as the admins see fit, or of the members have any suggestions as to what should be on our lists of rules!