As some may or may not be aware, the number of bats in Yveridia has been on the rise: fruit bats and insectivorous bats thus far; but none of the little bloodsuckers as of yet. They're certainly becoming more common within the town proper as well. Some predatory species feed even near the ground beneath the lampposts, apparently favoring the enormous collection of insects those draw to actively hunting them in the woods. Fruit bats are quite a bit rarer, coming only so far into man's territory as they have deemed necessary to fill their unique dietary needs.
Many of these adorkable little "winged rats" seem apt to remain near the Bloody Wench for at least a few minutes before diffusing throughout the town as a whole in search of their preferred foods. Maneuverability is key to these bats; they aren't all that fast when compared with some birds, but their aerial agility simply does not have a rival in the natural world. One could expect to see them performing all sorts of impressive acrobatic feats whilst filling their little bellies up.
Many of these adorkable little "winged rats" seem apt to remain near the Bloody Wench for at least a few minutes before diffusing throughout the town as a whole in search of their preferred foods. Maneuverability is key to these bats; they aren't all that fast when compared with some birds, but their aerial agility simply does not have a rival in the natural world. One could expect to see them performing all sorts of impressive acrobatic feats whilst filling their little bellies up.

Jade has made it a point to keep the window that leads to the ventilation above the Tipsy Crow open for the bats. Each evening long after the sun has disappeared far enough past the horizon one might catch a glimpse of the woman putting a bowl of fruit on a nearby table outside the bar.
Luci reclined lazily on a rooftop in the town. The ceramic tiles shifted and 'clinked' under his movement, as he threw an arm behind his head and ruffled his beautiful curtain of hair.
A hazy cloud of bats soared overhead, fluttering off into the night like a daydream gone horribly wrong. Luci himself watched them pass and let out a little snicker. "Teehee... Bats."
A hazy cloud of bats soared overhead, fluttering off into the night like a daydream gone horribly wrong. Luci himself watched them pass and let out a little snicker. "Teehee... Bats."
Meanwhile, the starving hobo redhead wondered if you could EAT bats...

The offering of tasty noms and shelter would result in a small colony of old world fruit bats (otherwise known as megabats) seeking refuge inside the Tipsy Crow's ventilation. If let be, they'd waste little time in simply making themselves at home.
Fruit bats tend to be rather innocuous, possessing neither killing instinct nor people-aggressive behavior; most flee rather than fight whenever possible, almost always choosing the least confrontational option available to them. Bearing these things in mind, they pose little to no danger to anyone that might happen upon the Tipsy Crow.
Fruit bats tend to be rather innocuous, possessing neither killing instinct nor people-aggressive behavior; most flee rather than fight whenever possible, almost always choosing the least confrontational option available to them. Bearing these things in mind, they pose little to no danger to anyone that might happen upon the Tipsy Crow.

Thorr has been doing her civic duty and offering fruit to the bats with her usual level of skill and maturity.
Carabia has been stalking after these groups of flying cuteness, leaving slices of apple to hopefully feed them. When she gets the chance, her own wings will allow the graceful child to flail in the air after the bats, hoping to catch one. C'mon, look at them! Don't judge.
The resident old world bats are currently accepting donations of fruit.
Yes, even fruit presented in a less than mature fashion! Some bolder ones might even eat out of people's hands if they're particularly still, though it's unlikely they would remain for more than a few seconds at a time. Flighty little critters, these are.
Despite their impressive aerial agility and specialized wing structure, bats are not wholly infallible in the skies. One utilizing an appendage or item that functions in a way similar to a net could, in fact, probably snag one out of the air if they're reaaalllyyyyy quick about it and just as patient.

Despite their impressive aerial agility and specialized wing structure, bats are not wholly infallible in the skies. One utilizing an appendage or item that functions in a way similar to a net could, in fact, probably snag one out of the air if they're reaaalllyyyyy quick about it and just as patient.

So has Thorr.

"Why are we having rat for dinner so much, honey? And why do they look so weird?"

"Why are we having rat for dinner so much, honey? And why do they look so weird?"

"Okay... But food doesn't usually make me cry this much."
Most bats are oft regarded as being highly intelligent creatures, and word of hostility spreads quickly throughout individual colonies. Thus, it's likely the population would eventually begin to keep their distance from any monsters that may or may not be killing their fluffy little family members.
RIP little batses, we hardly knew ye.
RIP little batses, we hardly knew ye.
It looked like Thorr and Ailsa were going to have to switch up their tactics if they were going to eat this winter... But the two were determined, and refused to give up.

Rhakator might be big enough to achieve orbit to such tiny creatures. Be that as it may, or may not be, he would regardless stand still and grumpy whenever flocks of bat fluttered past, but elsewise not bother them.

And they will politely refrain from making unwanted deposits on Rhakator in return for not trying to eat them.
Any awful monsters that may or may not be eating bats, however, can expect the occasional serving of brown justice from on high.
Any awful monsters that may or may not be eating bats, however, can expect the occasional serving of brown justice from on high.
Jade would have caught wind of this bat eating frenzy and begin to post small notes on the boards around town...
Volgun could have sworn he saw a bat emerge in a puff of smoke from the Tipsy Crow one night, flying erratically and eating anything it could find.

Moderators: MadRatBird Rhakator (played by kryodrache) Strawberry Chocolate (played by BlackberryFae)