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Forums » Gossip and Job Board » A Biting in the Bloody Wench

Late in the evening, a woman of the night seeking business was bitten by a young elf lad. Many said he'd been staring strangely, and rather nervous. Witnesses spotted an ermine in a red coat and hat, and a bow legged, red-headed man drag the elf off after a few good blows to the head.

They were last seen heading toward the graveyard.

Anyone, half an hour later, nearby the graveyard might have heard an incredibly loud BOOM - but only if said person is attuned to magic. Inspection will reveal no damage except for some small char marks against one post of the fence.

The elf in question has since been identified (due to rather recognizable attire and unusual skin colour) as a student at the Mage College; however, he has yet to be found.

Moderators: MadRatBird Rhakator (played by kryodrache) Strawberry Chocolate (played by BlackberryFae)