Once more, Tillius Elmitore, envoy to the King and Queen of Eileadora and representative of the High Council of Etla Isle, would be found temporarily in the City of Yveridia.
The Councilman had brought news from Eileadora:
The Portal between the two realms had been re-opened!
Free travel between the two Cities has been restored!
Accompanying the Elf through his travels to Yveridia would also be wonderful news.
The Summer Solstice Celebration of Eileadora will be happening in a few days. (Well Meaning) Citizens of Yveridia would receive a specific and direct invite from the High Cleric of Eileadora to attend the weekend of events. Special accommodations could be made for Yveridian denizens who might not be able to afford a Tavern room or have a place to stay during their visit.
OOC Notes
The Councilman had brought news from Eileadora:
The Portal between the two realms had been re-opened!
Free travel between the two Cities has been restored!
Accompanying the Elf through his travels to Yveridia would also be wonderful news.
The Summer Solstice Celebration of Eileadora will be happening in a few days. (Well Meaning) Citizens of Yveridia would receive a specific and direct invite from the High Cleric of Eileadora to attend the weekend of events. Special accommodations could be made for Yveridian denizens who might not be able to afford a Tavern room or have a place to stay during their visit.
OOC Notes
- Portal Opened again - Formal Post to recognize it
- Everyone is invited to attend events of the Solstice in Eileadora happening this weekend, starting on the evening of the 17th of June, and carrying into the 20th of June.
- Citizens of Yveridia with lack of monetary funds are welcome to seek out the High Cleric for special accommodations.
Moderators: MadRatBird Rhakator (played by kryodrache) Strawberry Chocolate (played by BlackberryFae)