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Forums » PG-13 Roleplay » So What are you Wearing? [Light RP, Open]


"Test. Is this working? I think so."

"...Hello! I'm your host, Shrike, and you're watching the hit new show: 'So What Are You Wearing?'!"


"For me it's obviously my costume, but remember the question, 'cause we're bringing it to the public. Before you ask why I'm doing this, and with a camera, well... you can't see it too clearly, let me get it in the shot. Hang on."


"...Tada. It's just a tiny sprain, but I've got the afternoon off, and everyone is worried I'm going to sneak out and do something reckless... they're half right, so by the time they track me down, it'll help to have video proof I wasn't playing in traffic. Anyways! It's nice out and I like meeting new people -- time to find out what they say about their outfits, and what their outfits say about them."


((IC show-and-tell - Show off your characters showing off themselves! For convenience's sake, feel free to assume Shrike asks the question of everyone he meets, and to point the camera wherever you'd like. One-time replies are welcome.))