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  • The zero meridian time is now 00:04:58 2012-03-14

    Okay just so you know these are ever changing, so make sure to check before you post.

    Setting: Characters wake up on an island, they don't know who they are, don't know where they came from, they especially don't know anything about their powers or abilities.


    1. You cannot leave the island, through any power or ability.

    2. You will not have any identifying marks, that you can tell, let's put it like this, you can't see them, but they are there, covered surgically by a fake skin that you feel like your own and is completely unidentifiable by the human eye or senses, basically you're not going to be able to tell (tattoos, piercings, etc.) if your character has them built into their story, that's fine, but you will not have them when you wake up.

    3. You're wearing an orange jumpsuit with a big number on the front and back(this will be assigned to you according to the order in which you post) Example: Unknown posts first his/her number on his suit is 1, white shoes, and a digital watch. Nothing else.

    4. You cannot "instantly" find a way to remember everything, in fact there will be a roll required up until a certain point in the RP to remember something as basic as your first initial.

    5. If you have something you need, like blood for vampires, or medicine of some type, we can work that out through PM.

    6. Your character could be suffering the following things: "headaches and things like blurred vision when you try to remember, so they are not likely to try for long, if they do they will pass out. Also anything associated with extreme headaches, like vomiting and tiredness etc. Especially if you attempt to remember anything, it will be common for you to have a headache for sometime...

    Feel free to PM me for anything.

    If there are no questions we're starting the RP Today... I will post and then fall in as you see fit.
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