Welcome to "St. Raphael Mental Health Hospital" in Lucifer Springs!
The Legend of Lucifer Springs
This entirely fictional place is a quaint village located in the most idyllic natural environment. Somewhere along the Californian coast where our inpatients have the most beautiful view of the beach out of their barred windows in our high-security wing. If you're lucky enough to be one of the patients who can go on pass, maybe you want to take a walk through the centre of the town, where you will find many cute bars, pubs, cafés and delis. Of course you will stroll along the beach, maybe rent a bike and enjoy the beauty of this place. Well, it's very sad that you are, in fact, not one of the patients who have a pass! -
St. Raphael's Mental Health Hospital in beautiful California has always had some kind of an old and horrifying history to it. It's been said that in the early 1950's a former German scientist had been executing many horrible experiments on several severely sick patients. All of them died in the end after what seemed an eternity of sorrow and pain. No one knows if any of these experiments went right or if they were just made to kill those people for the sake of science. From the time his misdeeds leaked through to the civilian people in Lucifer Springs, the long abandoned place became known as"Saint Massacre Asylum" -
The Hospital today
2016. United States of America. Lucifer Springs, California.
Decades have passed and "St. Massacre" is almost forgotten. Instead of the old, atrocious house it once had been, "St. Raphael Mental Health Hospital" is a modern building with security on highest priority. Why? This is a long story to tell. But they exist. They are here. They have always lived among us. Undiscovered. Undetected. They are everywhere! But now their time is over... Supernatural beings. Like ghosts? Or werewolves and vampires? Maybe demons and angels? Not human. Not normal. Years of oppression in the world have resulted in most supernatural beings getting sick. Mental disorders are just one way of an organism coping with severe traumata.
"St. Massacre" is not longer an old term for "St. Raphael" - it's rather a very contemporary term for what is going on in the high-security wing of forensic psychiatry in this hospital. Here in the psychiatric ward #669-13 they are. All mentally disturbed non-human beings jammed together in what seems to be hell. There's no way out. One-Way-Ticket. Dead End. So what will they do if the spirit of the old days resurrects? If the former victims' ghost will haunt this building? And people are going to die here. In fact, they already did... -
- modern fantasy
- horror
- psycho
- mystery
- supernatural
- drama
- romance
- hurt/comfort
St Massacre Asylum
Finding Neverland
Join the Madness
Please apply with a character that fits in without major changes. Otherwise apply as member and we can work things out. If there are any questions, just PM Tapporauta.
If you are either a member of this group or just a very kind person, I would really love you if you want to donate group stuff to us
Appealing to you!
Please read everything on every page before applying. By clicking the "Join" Button you accept all terms, guidelines and rules and if you don't stick to them, I will be quite sad. I guess we can avoid many problems if everybody just reads it. -
Hall of Fame
- Tapporauta GM
- Azrael (played by Trancya2) Inpatient
- Emily Karnstein (played by LovesNightMare) Inpatient
- Alice (played anonymously) Inpatient
- Jani Venalainen (played by Tapporauta) Inpatient