Rules for Roleplaying
- Please be excellent to each other. Keep in mind that behind every screen, there sits a person like you on the computer and just tries to have a good time. RPs are for escaping reality for some time, a safe place where no problems are necessary.
- Separate IC from OOC. Don't take it personally if some character doesn't like your character. RP needs conflict, but no one is meant to offend the person behind the character.
- GM will help solving problems. While I can't promise I can solve everything, you can write to me any time regarding problems with other players. I will try my best to get things sorted out. However be sure you first talked to that person. Not in the forums, but in PM, so not to attack someone behind their back.
- No Meta-Gaming. While the information on characters' profiles is meant for the players, your character can not know several things unless stated otherwise. Of course your character can see things like appearance, but if you aren't sure abot other things, please ask first to avoid problems.
- Freeform. We don't use dices or character stats. This is purely fun and purely work of fiction, all created by ourselves. It's kind of like writing a story together. We focus on interaction between people and character development, as well as relationships of any kind.
- Game Master. The GM is not almighty, however I will create a GM-role that provides you with events for bringing the plot forwards. Besides bonding with other characters there will be a lot of stuff going on to keep you from getting bored. There might also be time jumps when it's necessary.
- 3rd person. Past tense. You play your character as they interact with other characters. Use names and 3rd form of personal pronouns. Also we use past tense in general.
- Punctuation. There will be no such special things like ***telepathy*** or ///thoughts/// of any kind. If that's the case, use the normal "speech"-punctuation and add something like "...", he thought.
- Put effort in your writing. You don't have to be perfect. Not at all. The only thing required is that you try to be as good as for you possible. Take your time, don't rush. Maybe write in a text processing software to check on grammar and spelling. Mistakes happen, it's not a shame. But try to give others a reply as nice as you want them to reply to you.
- Act and react. React to the things the other player wrote. Then let your character act so that the other players have something to react on likewise.
- Only play with your own characters. Don't take the choice of other players away from them what their character will do.
- Adjustable length. Write as much as you need to write to cover every subject from the previous post and give enough input for other players to reply to. Of course this has not to be a multi-paragraph answer each time, but it's appreciated if you approximately match your partner's length. Of course some situations in the game require shorter replies, for example in dialogue. Before you let another person's character react, rather end your post and wait for the answer.
How will this work?
PRE-APPLICATION before you sent your application- Take your time reading and deciding.
- Think about the following questions:
- Am I really interested in this?
- Do I have enough time to be a part of it?
- Does my character fit in or do I have to choose another?
- Maybe I have to create a new character?
- If you want to, you can ask questions before you apply.
POST-APPLICATION after you sent your application- Have a little patience. I will come to your application as soon as possible.
- Maybe you could check on your character's profile if something needs to be added for this?
- You can always write a PM to me any time, if you still want to add something or changed your mind about something.
PRE-CONFIRMED before you get to be a member of the group- Maybe you will get a PM from me personally. This could be why:
- I want to ask some questions.
- I want to suggest something to you.
- I want to answer some questions.
- I may have a little secret feature for your character to become involved in the plot. You can decide if you want it after hearing what it would be.
- Maybe we might write some messages back and forth, but eventually - if everything goes right - you will be accepted.
POST-CONFIRMED as soon as you are a member of the group
You made it! I'm very excited!...now to the next step!- You can ask questions any time!
- Take a look at the "Members Only" page.
- Take a look at other character's profiles.
- Take a look at the forums:
- Read the sticky topics / forums' rules
- Introduce yourself in the introduction topic
- Read how the actual roleplay will take place
- Chat with some other players and make friends
- Follow the announcements to know when we will get started!
I am looking forward to you!
Finding Neverland
Join the Madness
Please apply with a character that fits in without major changes. Otherwise apply as member and we can work things out. If there are any questions, just PM Tapporauta.
If you are either a member of this group or just a very kind person, I would really love you if you want to donate group stuff to us
Appealing to you!
Please read everything on every page before applying. By clicking the "Join" Button you accept all terms, guidelines and rules and if you don't stick to them, I will be quite sad. I guess we can avoid many problems if everybody just reads it. -
Hall of Fame
- Tapporauta GM
- Alice (played anonymously) Inpatient
- Jani Venalainen (played by Tapporauta) Inpatient
- Azrael (played by Trancya2) Inpatient
- Emily Karnstein (played by LovesNightMare) Inpatient