Members Only
Finding Neverland
Join the Madness
Please apply with a character that fits in without major changes. Otherwise apply as member and we can work things out. If there are any questions, just PM Tapporauta.
If you are either a member of this group or just a very kind person, I would really love you if you want to donate group stuff to us
Appealing to you!
Please read everything on every page before applying. By clicking the "Join" Button you accept all terms, guidelines and rules and if you don't stick to them, I will be quite sad. I guess we can avoid many problems if everybody just reads it. -
Hall of Fame
- Jani Venalainen (played by Tapporauta) Inpatient
- Alice (played anonymously) Inpatient
- Tapporauta GM
- Azrael (played by Trancya2) Inpatient
- Emily Karnstein (played by LovesNightMare) Inpatient