Eyyy do we need any staff to start roleplaying or do we just make threads and start in general?

Hello hello!
Sadly I was away for some time, but I tried to take care of your applications with my phone. Now I am back at the computer and ready for you
Feel free to start topics in every section, but I will also create some topics which I think are necessary.
Maybe you want to find someone to play with or just write a starter at some place and see who gets to you...
If someone does not feel confident enough to do so, I will give some help and I will write a "How To..." section.
If anyone wants to apply with a staff character, feel free to do so
Just make yourself comfortable and maybe talk a little with each other in the Offtopic sections of the forums...
I am sorry it took me that long to really take care of this group now!
Much love!!
Sadly I was away for some time, but I tried to take care of your applications with my phone. Now I am back at the computer and ready for you

Feel free to start topics in every section, but I will also create some topics which I think are necessary.
Maybe you want to find someone to play with or just write a starter at some place and see who gets to you...
If someone does not feel confident enough to do so, I will give some help and I will write a "How To..." section.
If anyone wants to apply with a staff character, feel free to do so

Just make yourself comfortable and maybe talk a little with each other in the Offtopic sections of the forums...
I am sorry it took me that long to really take care of this group now!
Much love!!

Thanks for being attentive even when away and busy! 
Does the Inpatient's Private Room Forum being a 1x1 Forum mean that there are 2 inpatients per room? Can we start forums there and automatically have the people that reply be our characters' 'roommates'?

Does the Inpatient's Private Room Forum being a 1x1 Forum mean that there are 2 inpatients per room? Can we start forums there and automatically have the people that reply be our characters' 'roommates'?
Moderators: Tapporauta